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Cafcass are lying b...
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[Solved] Cafcass are lying basta*ds

Estimable Member Registered

Has anyone ever recoreded cafcass and used it against them cafcass lie and something needs to be done surely if all us father come together we can stop this from happening

Topic starter Posted : 08/02/2018 5:04 pm
Estimable Member Registered

I've had dealings with quite a few CAFCASS officers, some I have found to be extremely fair and balanced, some just stupid, some incompetent and some just usuited to the job.

I haven't come across a liar yet.

Can you put some meat on the bone here so we know what you are talking about please?

Posted : 08/02/2018 9:52 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Cafcass should welcome transparency and you can ask to record the interviews, they do have some guidelines about this... I'll try and find them for you.

Posted : 09/02/2018 4:27 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Here's a link to CAFCASS Operating Framework and you'll find info on recording interviews on page 18 section 2.27.

Posted : 09/02/2018 5:33 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

...and this

Posted : 09/02/2018 5:36 pm
Reputable Member Registered

Yes Cafcass do lie. His first Cafcass officer blatantly lied about receipt of paperwork and he proved it. He also covertly recorded a meeting with her but never used the recording in court as he wasn’t sure he could . It was a useful aide memoir though and clearly demonstrated how biased she was. He only made the recording as she point blank refused to allow me to attend the meeting with him.

Posted : 10/02/2018 2:05 am
New Member Registered

Yes, Cafcass routinely lie.

They work to a model called the Duluth model, which is disproved and was invented by a bunch of crazy feminists in a place called Duluth in America.

The British Psychological Society have concerns about Cafcass, which speaks volumes. Psychologists are trained to spot aggression. Cafcass officers are trained to further the Duluth model and keep the money rolling in for the feminist system.

That is why they lie and mislead the Court, they do not want the Court to find out that 'female control theory' of domestic violence is a lie, because if they do all that money for women's aid that they pay themselves massive salaries will dry up.

Is there evidence of Cafcass lying and misleading the Court? Yes

There is a male domestic violence charity that has made a complaint to Cafcass senior management that Cafcass regularly lie and take the female's side.

Is there evidence sufficient to charge Cafcass with a criminal offence? most likely

This comes from a senior level though, not just individual Cafcass officers. If you follow the evidence you need to be looking at which feminist MP is giving the instructions. There is evidence of who it is, and her days are most likely numbered.

The police already got judicially rebuked over their disclosure failings for the feminist system.

Cafcass will be next in the firing line.

They can run but they can't hide, the truth will catch up to them and lawful consequences will be delivered. Their reputation will be in tatters too just like the police's after the Justice Select Committee Inquiry.

Posted : 29/11/2018 10:52 pm
Noble Member Registered

You are within your rights to record an interview with CAFCASS but you must tell them you intend to record the conversation so to enable you to help you take notes.
They will have to refer to their rules on recording the meeting, they should not refuse but they will say that anything you want to rely on in court you will need to ahve an official transcriber transcribe the conversation for it to be submissible in court.

I asked and did the same, although i've not found them to lie, they did in my case take my ex's word on face value when preparing an S7 two/three years ago despite there being judgements and previosu S7's showing her to be untrustworthy as a witness and being deciptful with the courts and authorities and went totally against all previous recommendations all based on the ex's words.
i challenged this with CAFCASS complaints and they refused to accept it, stating it was the professional opinion of the case officer and they backed her and if i wasn't happy to challenge it in court with the judge.
that judge back then was a "stand in - temporary" judge as the one who should've sat on the hearing was unavailable on the day to a run over of another case and he jsut went with what CAFCASS recommended.
fast forward 18mths and the current judge ripped apart that S7 report stating it was fately flawed by the case officer not taking in to consideration the previous case history, S7's and judgements and ordered her off the case.

Posted : 03/12/2018 5:30 pm
Reputable Member Registered

I know of someone who recorded a social worker saying, “I can make your life really difficult”. That social worker got fired.

CAFCASS aren’t perfect, but their job is essentially impossible. Rather than going in thinking they are lying bastards, work to get them on your side. They can be your best friend.

Posted : 03/12/2018 9:56 pm

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