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[Solved] Cafcass

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Posts: 66
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Joined: 6 years ago

Hello all,

I got report from cafcass. The report states as follows:

1. Following further discussion, the court will need to consider whether this matter may be assisted with the support of In Court Dispute Resolution and if available the cafcass Family Court Advisor will assist.

2. If available, the cafcass Family Court Advisor will assess any matters of concern apparent otherwise another hearing date will be required when Cafcass are in attendance.

3. SPIP and/or MIAM : If no further safeguarding concerns are raised, the Separated Parents Information Programme may be helpful to this family and support from a Mediation services could be considered if further assistance is needed.

Until there is a better understanding of the issues in this case it may not be safe to make a Final Order and interim arrangement will require careful consideration.

What are your thoughts guys?

She told cafcass there was an incident of dv but that was isolated incident on my part. She has lied to courts and told them she hit me but this was uncharacteristic of her.

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CAFCASS can't work out what the issues are between you both, and if the abuse are one off incidents of physical abuse they aren't interested.

So they want you to:
1. Clarify what the issues are,
2. Do a separated parents information program,
3. Go to mediation to resolve the issues

I should say what CAFCASS has advised you was part of my Interim Order. So you may get an Interim Order that mirrors some of what CAFCASS advises.

My CAFCASS report was completely different and didn't mention any of this.

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thats a pretty dull report. erring too much on side of caution. whats your situation anyway. ex denying all contact with your children??

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I'm assuming this a Cafcass Safeguarding Letter for a First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment and not a Cafcass report.

All you need to tell the court is if you agree or don't agree. They will talk you through it. Agree to the SPIP, they can be helpful and will show that you're willing to engage with the process. The MIAM / mediation suggestion is usually pointless if you're already at court.

It will also depend on your ex's position on the day as to what the court can decide.

Posts: 66
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Yeah she's not allowing me contact and no communication between us. She's being immature about all this

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