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I'm so sorry to hear about this latest setback Nannykit. The judge is likely to go with cafcass recommendations,
I think it might be helpful to prepare a written response to the points raised in the report and ask for permission to file it. There should be a final hearing and an opportunity for your son to question the author of the report.
I have known long term contact taking place at a contact centre, I would argue that several sessions of supervised contact with a written report for the court would be in the child's best interests, particularly as it was felt that the child couldn't be asked about his relationship with his father and paternal grandparents. Push for it and a hearing to review the contact centre report, before the court make a final decision.
Best of luck
I have been looking into programmes/courses offered by CAFCASS, as in the Section 7 the officer says "I would suggest the (my son) identify courses that he considers suitable, and if after a year he feels he has made sufficient progress he could make a further application for direct contact"
I have seen CCI Course - but have read these are hardly ever offered? My questions are:
Which courses should my son be looking into?
Would these need to be CAFCASS recommended?
I need to contest that 1 year before any direct contact is too long for a 4 year old not to see his dad (this will make it 2 years).
Hi NannyKit,
My Son had similar but after no help from cafcass in finding a course (they ignored him),he did one that when cafcass wrote their add-on s7 refused to acknowledge as acceptable, even though its a course that is used to train heath visitors in our LA. Don't know if that was because his cafcass woman was such a bit*h or if you do have to do one they tell you too. Its frustrating as they don't get back to you (or my sons didn't) but don't waste time doing anything until they've approved it imho.
I wish you all the luck in the world. I know what you're going through. My Son and many many other Sons are falsely accused daily and find themselves in the biased sexist situation. Sadly if affected my Son so badly both mentally and physically he had to withdraw his application (after once more being denied all contact) and we are all trying to move on with our lives.
I need to campaign against the injustice of family court but don't know where to begin. Any ideas anyone?
Granny (on hold, maybe again one day)
Hi Granny
It's really hard when it's your son going thru this, as you want to be there for them and stand up for them in court, especially when the WHOLE system seems to be against them.
The whole process has really knocked my son and his belief that he will ever see his son again, so much so that when he goes back to court on the 2nd, he is going to accept what ever they offer and just not fight anymore to prove that the allegations are false. I believe the Judge will go with the CAFCASS S7 report and he will be given "Indirect Contact" only, which we have been doing anyway for the past year with cards, presents, xmas, birthday, easter etc.
The Family Court system, in my opinion & our experience, will always choose the mother and believe the lies of DV without proof or evidence. We have evidence from the police disclosure that their was NO DV and his EX said in the statement that she called them "Out of Spite" - this was brushed aside. However the Witness (her best friend) spouted lie after lie and this was found to be true... even though family members who lived in the same street NEVER witnessed any abuse. The judge in his summing up said "you have fooled the police and family memebers, but you do not fool me"...
So moving on, We are also going to now move on with our lives and keep up the indirect contact, but my son has said that he will not apply for a contact order again, as it is a completely waste of time, as he has to wait 1 year before doing so and by that time he would not have any contact with his 5 year old son for 2 years and will be a complete stranger to him.
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