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Really was not child focused at all. Didn't want to see photos or text. Didnt want to talk about the 4 years we as a family have spent with the child. Brushed off any questions about my grandson, saying it will be in the report.
She was only interested in the DV claims and kept saying "Well the JUDGE has found this incident to be true" The Judge found you to be a abusive, controlling man.
Asked my son if he would attend a DV 6 week programme (which he said he would).
My son fought his corner, kept bringing up his son, explaining the witness was his EX best friend, that the alleged DV was over 4 years ago and he has seen his son every other weekend since this Alleged DV. The officer was not very responsive and just typed into her computer.
My son said "if she had a tattoo across her chest saying "Fight for Women's rights" he wouldn't be surprised.
He is very deflated after this meeting and feels he is never going to see his son again. I asked how he rated the meeting out of 10 and he said about minus 100.
I'm so sorry to hear that Nannykit....it's not personal, she doesn't know whether the allegations are true or not, and all she has to go on is the judges decision that they were. He's so young and it must be a struggle for him, hopefully he has picked himself and dusted himself off... most of us have been there, it's tough so thank goodness hes got you to support him.
Make sure he isn't all consumed by this process, that he takes time out and does some things that he enjoys to take his mind off it all.
All the best
I'm not sure where the mention of an S37 comes in....
You're right - I have NO idea where I got that from! I must have ready S7 as 37!
Oooops sorry.
😀 :whistle: 😉
No worries... it happens to the best of us!
Thanks Guys. My son is just "Fed up with the system" and the longer it goes on, the more deflated and believes it is never going to see his son again.
It will be 1 year in October, which is a huge amount of time in a 5 year old's life.
My main concerns are :
What has his mother told him as to why he doesn't see us anymore?
What contact, if any will the judge order
if contact centre, there is not one near by, over 1 hour away and his mother will make all excuses not to bring him
I know, that we will be back in court, as SHE will break the court order.
Will he remember us (this breaks my heart)
Next hearing on 2nd October is another DRH, i presume to go over the CASCAFF report, then will we have another 3 months for a final hearing, does that mean another Christmas without our grandson.
I understand they have to double triple check everything, but with evidence that my grandson has been seeing us and his dad for over 4 years, and the claims are over 2 years old, you would think this would have been sorted out by now.
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We don’t like to set ‘rules’, but to make sure that you and the other dads are kept safe, we have some requests. When engaging with the forum, please be aware of the following:
- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
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