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[Solved] CAFCASS

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My son has at present Zero Contact with his son. FOF went against him (see my previous posts) with all allegations found to be true.
The court ordered a report under S7 back in June. The next Directions hearing is 3rd October.
The report will address:
Whether the child should see the party with whom the child in not living.
How often & for how long the child should see the party with whom the child is not living
The wishes and feelings of the child so far as they can be ascertained.

We have not had a date for a home visit yet. I have emailed asking for a date, but no reply.

My question is ... Will I (nanny) be able to speak / put my side across when they visit, as my son lives with me and the interview will be at my home.

Should my son give the officer evidence of contact with his son ie: pictures of places, picture of child in our home, beach, outings etc. We also have text messages from EX saying pick up ** from school, What time shall i Drop ** off at yours etc.. showing that contact was happening for 4 years at My house.

Any tips, advise, pointers for my son (who is very laid back and a young 24 year old) when meeting the officer.

will they interview my grandson with the mother present he is only just 5 years old. He hasn't seen us since October 2018 and I am unsure the explanation his mum has given for us dropping out of his life, when we had him every week.

Plus we have pictures of christmas boxes, Easter presents and birthday presents that we have delivered to his other nanny address to pass onto him... should we show/tell the officer about these..

Thanks in Advance

43 Replies
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A section 37 report is slightly different to what you have described. 37 is where the local authority ate invited to consider whether care proceedings should be initiated.

Does your sons order say Section 37 or Section 7?

I would say it is more likely an S7. Let me know and I’ll come back to you - I’ve been through two S7s and a S37 myself personally and also worked on cases where they have been undertaken.

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The letter from Cafcass says
Application for CAO spend time with, specific issue S8 in “name of town” county court and family court.


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I'm not sure where the mention of an S37 comes in....

I'm pretty sure you will be able to speak, as it's in your home and you have had a lot to do with the child. I would try and allow your son to lead conversations but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't comment. When my son had a home visit, he was living with us and I was able to join with the discussions.

I would have pictures to hand showing how happy the child is, if your like us we have framed pictures of our grandchildren around our home.

I would suggest you print off the relevant texts, but don't overload the officer with them, it's enough to show a few from each year, so include the most relevant ones.

When they interviewed my grandson, he was living with us, and the officer asked us to leave the room whilst she spoke to him, but I have known mothers insisting that they were present when a child was interviewed.

Just be yourselves, be open and honest and child centred. Make sure your house is child friendly and if the child has their own room, ask if they would like to see it. Again the social worker that came to us inspected our house.

Don't bad mouth the mother, that doesn't mean you can't voice concerns, but keep it about the child, express that the sudden suspension of contact must have been distressing for the child and share how involved you have always been in the little ones life.

All the best

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Thanks Mojo.
Yes we have lots (and lots) of photos of our grandson around the house and he has his own room, which is really sad to look at every day over the past year as filled with his toys and favorite bed cover.
I think he will be interviewed (grandson) as his mothers house, as school is closed until 6th September, someone suggested he might be interviewed as school (which would be preferred in our case).

we would never bad mouth his mum, especially as our grandson loves his mum very much and she is a good mum. the problem with her is she just wants complete control over every situation, which has caused the problems in the past. She has stated she wants to ruin my sons life and it will always be "do as I say or I will stop you seeing your son" - which she has now done. It is such as shame as my Grandson loved coming over to our house and has always been a HUGE part of our family life.

The text messages i have are more along the lines of stating - pick (grandson name) at such time, can you have (grandson name) as i am working, take him swimming. Text that include my sons name stating pick up and drop off times and allowing contact in the past. I have a few that state things like if he doesnt pay CM by such date she will stop contact. There are a few nasty ones calling my son names etc.

One questions i do have is. We have 2 x woodburners in our house, do we need fire guards for these? They are rarely on, as we have central heating as well. We have stairgates, which we dont use, do you think I should put these back up, my grandson is 5 now and can safetly use the stairs?

Thanks - feel like this is a big chance to turn things around from such a bad FOF and they can see we are just a normal happy loving family.


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