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[Solved] CAFCASS

Estimable Member Registered

I have my first hearing on the 1st of march
I have recently been sent an email to register with an online email service as an email was sent by cafcass in which they said they are working with the court etc with my matter
It stated that they may be in touch soon to get some information from me?
What do I expect from this, I just want an idea as to what to expect? And the best way of dealing with them when they approach me
As my hearing is just under three weeks, I'm expecting to hear from them soon

Topic starter Posted : 09/02/2017 9:16 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Hi there

It's just a general and basic safeguarding letter that they'll be working on and the interview is usually done over the phone.

Just be honest with them, try not to bad mouth the mother, just offer the facts and allow them to draw their own conclusions. Most importantly, keep it completely child focused... there's some info in the stickys at the top of the legal eagle section, one called CAFCASS dos and donts, which you might find useful.

Posted : 10/02/2017 12:12 am
Trusted Member Registered

I recently had my 3rd cafcass interview over the phone this week, which was a lot different to the rest.

When I called cafcass up to ask why it was so short, the person who interviewed me told me that they are now only interested if the child is at risk. And that there not there to listen to disagreements between parties as this if for the courts to deal with.

Posted : 10/02/2017 2:50 pm
Reputable Member Registered


As advised,just be honest with them and be aware that they usually speak to the mother first.

I have dealt with them for 3 years now, at first it was fine, then when i ballsed things up they tore me limb from limb in a section 7 report. But as previously stated, i have found honesty with CAFCASS usually prevails as they will get the truth eventually.

The judge gets the final say but CAFCASS and their reports usually determine what the judge orders so bear that in mind.


Posted : 15/02/2017 7:03 am
Trusted Member Registered

You will find, more often than not, that the Court ends up adopting the CAFCASS report in full as their final say. Court's being the "authority" that they are; they will usually add something in just to make it seem as if they are doing something but most of the legwork is undertaken by CAFCASS.

On that basis, you simply have to be honest because they are quite good at finding some truths. Lying will never help. Being difficult will never help. Do not accept every single statement that they make; challenge respectfully.

Just know that they are not there to be your counsellor. Everything you tell them HAS to be something which is in the best interest of your child(ren).

Posted : 20/02/2017 4:50 pm
Estimable Member Registered

For my cafcass reports I had to register with egress apparatly they need to send it through a secure email system

Posted : 22/02/2017 1:28 am
Noble Member Registered

I have lost all faith in the truth and CAFCASS

it all depends on the one you get from my own experience and from what I read on others

Good luck!

Posted : 22/02/2017 5:38 pm

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