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[Solved] CAFCASS

Posts: 4
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Joined: 12 years ago

Sorry if this all seems a bit garbled!

I had a meeting with CAFCASS last night in relation to me obtaining a contact order and my new partner had to attend also.

My ex has claimed that I was abusive to her (all made up with no factual evidence). My ex has also claimed that my partner has received a caution for physical assault on my daughter. This never happened, my ex made my daughter tell the police a complete pack of lies and it was all dealt with, with the police, who took it no further.

I have issues with my ex wife's new partner as there have been 4 incidents of domestic abuse on her from him and we have asked for checks on him. The officer did ask why I was only going for a contact order and not residency and that it will look bad on me in in court for not pursuing it. I have only been informed since the first court appearance that the abuse happened and my children had been spoken to by social services.

I then said all my concerns and the officer asked questions about my time with my children. She then proceeded to tell me that my children were all spoken to together and that they all said that they didn't like coming to my partners house and that she shouted all the time and her children were mean to them. This is all lies as the children have told me they like coming and my daughter is like a shadow to my partner's oldest child. I know it is my ex telling them what to say. The eldest has told me he is scared of his mum and is worried about telling the truth as he has been told he will go into a children's home (ex must have told him this!)

I am now worried that they will believe the children and that their wishes and feelings will be used against me. My children are 8,9 & 10.

My ex has no factual proof of her concerns as they are all lies and some of her lies don't add up but I am worried she get her way and I wont get my contact order. Help!

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Hopefully, others will add advice here, but my first thought is to go back to cafcass and explain what you think is happening with your children - I think it would be useful if they were seen separately. I'm also puzzled that cafcass almost seem to be encouraging your to go for residence (which I think is worth considering) and yet giving reasons why it wouldn't necessaarily happen.


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