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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Posts: 60
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Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago

Hi there,

Court has asked CAFCAS to perform Assessment on my case(my ex said that she need Supervised contact because I have had attempted suicide)

Can someone please tell me what should I expect CAFCAS to do?
Will they come to my house?
Will they be asking about my employment, and my ex’s employment?

Any advise will be appreciated

Im grateful for ‘ACTD’ for all this assistance over the time..Cheers mate!

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


Hopefully others who have had dealings with Cafcass more recently than I will respond also, but I would assume that, if they are thorough, they will be speaking to anyone who they think will have relevant knowledge, and I would expect that they will visit you at home as they way in which you live can reveal a lot about you.

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Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi info,

Given what you've said CAFCASS would be expected to follow/carry out:

- Evaluation on your current mental state, this supported by having your Doctor/any other specialists contacted
- An Interview from yourself. Just be honest with them. Its by far the best policy
- As actd has said, given the nature of the admission, a home visit is almost certain
- Contacting family/employers to better understand their take on the situation

You can always call them yourself directly to find out what information they are likely to request. I called CAFCASS several times to ask what would happen if ABC and they explained it all to me. If you call your local Courts, they can give you CAFCASS contact details. You will most likely only be able to contact between 10-2 on 3 or 4 days a week though.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

..... Just be honest with them. Its by far the best policy...

Always do this in any dealings with the court, even if it means making admissions you think are detrimental to yourself. The fact that it has come from you rather than your ex means the court knows they can trust what you are saying and that you recognise you are not perfect. That always helps when you have an ex who is determined to make you look bad while trying to make out that they are absolutely wonderful.


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