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I am new to the forum and seeking some advice on submitting a c100 application as I have just about come to the end of my tether with dealing with my ex wife.
It has not been a pleasant couple of years since we seperated(now divorced for about a year) and if anything things are worse now than what they were after the initial seperation for me and the children in 2009.
My current contact agreement is that I have my 2 children(aged 9 and 8) 10-12 days a month around my shift pattern but my ex has just reduced this to friday 5pm until sunday 5pm with no midweek access(except school holidays) so with having to work 2 weekends a month I am currently only seeing the children effectively 4 nights a month which I am not happy about, apparently she has done this to improve the childrens wellbeing and stability but being a very
hands on father in terms of that I do everything with my children and give them lots of love and currently don't rely on any childcare when I have them(she has a full time aupair) so I have regularly done all the school stuff, take them on holiday, do other fun activities etc so I fail to see how her new arrangements are of benefit to the children as she is unable to replicate that time herself.
This recent change has just broke the camels back so to speak over what has been 2 years of controlling behaviour from my ex and her not putting the children first and not considering my part in their life plus the reason we are in this situation.
Just to give you all a little background into my situation without going into too much detail as i'll be writing this for ages!
In 2008 we split up for a period of 11 months because my ex was not happy, I had become suspicious about her behaviour and thought she may have been having an affair, I had reason to feel this way as she had previously had an affair when our daughter was 1 years old. I was also very consicious about our financial situation with us spending too much money despite us earning good money(my ex had and still has a very good job which pays her in excess of
double what I earn) I said we need to cut back otherwise it will spiral more out of control.
During this 11 month seperation my ex issued her unreasonable behaviour terms about not trusting her, not letting her spend money, backing out of a house purchase which would have put us under more financial strain so I never actually agreed to sign the divorce petition. During this time we split £82K of debt down the middle which was a struggle for me due to the earnings difference.
After 11 months we started to get on more amicably and she asked me to move back in and claimed she would not put us and the children through a separation again, when we got back together I found out she had had a couple of short term boyfriends which I wasn't happy about but I tried to put it behind me for the sake of the relationship.
When we got back together we ran separate accounts and still paid our split of the debts we took on, I also made a point of due to the earnings difference that she would have to pay more towards any holidays/luxuries in a hope she would realise that we couldn't afford to do everything.
I also tried to give her more freedom by not questioning her regular odd midweek nights out where she stayed at friends houses near her office 60 miles from our house.
For the first 6 months of the 2009 things were going ok but it was not the same as there was a degree of caution on my side, we had a nice family holiday in the April but I never felt she was fully committed which is why in July she said it wasn't working out, she didn't give me any real reason except that we had tried and that I needed to move out, naturally I was a little shocked but not entirely suprised by the way she had been acting, she had also been
going out more regularly and staying overnight at friends.
She asked me to move out virtually immediately but I said that I needed a few weeks to sort stuff out which she wasn't happy about, the kids had no idea this was going on and we had just interviewed a new aupair to start work in September.
Within 7 days of her requesting I move out she asked me to go and stays with friends for the weekend and when I came back she had changed the locks on the house(Rented in her name and I was not added fully to the contract) and had a number of her friends present with my bags packed, not that I am the type of person that causes a scene, at the time I had a nice 2 seater sports car(now sold to pay towards legal bills and a holiday with the kids) which wouldn't take all my stuff so I ended up removing clothes into a smaller bag on the doorstep in front of everyone.
Anyway thats a brief insite into what went on and how much she thought of the father of her children and who was committed to making the marraige work but all this is irrelevant now as my only concern is the children which leads me on to my original question of what type of c100 application I should make given that I have the following list of issues that I have noted over the last 2 years which consistently show she does not put the children first in her life where as I would -
1. Within 1 week of me being ejected from the house she had moved her new boyfriend in who she claims she had only just started seeing, no respect was shown to the children by her or her boyfriend.
2. within 4 weeks they had booked a holiday during school time taking the kids out of school for 7 days, this is one of a number of breaks in the last 2 years where the kids have had unauthorised absence of up to 15 days per full term, I sent her an official letter 5 months ago that the kids must not be taken out of school going forward for more than 5 days per full term going forward which she is sticking to at the moment.
3. 3 weeks before I had to leave the property we had got a new puppy(something she wanted), although the dog was a handful within 2 months of me leaving they got rid of the dog saying to the children it was going to live on a farm for a holiday for a couple of months but she never came back.
4. She has left the kids alone with the new aupair on numerous occaisions for a few days at a time, on one occaision my son was so upset that he had been left the aupair was unable to cope with him that he had to go to a house of one of parents at school to be calmed down before going to school an hour late, I was at work at the time and was not informed until later in the day.
5. the aupair resigned after 5 months due to the amount of burden she was being given in respect of looking after the children and lack of involvement from their mum.
6. she hardly ever gets involved in the kids schooling due to her work committments so does not attend many parents evenings/school plays/sports days or regurlarly checks their homework or signs their school books
7. Despite 2 years of requests I have failed to get the childrens birth certificates to set up savings accounts with monies from relatives on my side of the family, I am currently trying to get this sorted yet again.
8. Saying the children can not stay over for one night stays as its too disruptive, this was when I could only get day one off around their 2 week holiday in school time so I ended up not seeing the kids for 3 weeks.
9. Numerous times of her restricting my time with the kids including my daughters birthday when she doesn't get what she wants ie. she expects me to take holiday from work so she can leave the children with me rather than take the kids with her.
10. Despite verbal agreements to alternate the christmas breaks, she has decided this year that she is taking the kids on holiday so I wont be seeing them.
11. I am currently not allowed to drop off or pick the kids up from school despite doing this a couple of times a week since they started going to school?
12. Over the school holidays this year I had the kids for a 12 day period and found out from the kids that when I was taking them back she would not be home for another 3 days as she was on holiday, I suggested to her they stay with me for another 2 days but she said they had plans and would not confirm if she was home, I never got an official confirmation from her so decided to do what was best for the children and minimise their time without a parent looking after them. On the day they were originally due back I get a call from their mum saying they need to be brought back within an hour as they have plans, after a few text messages she conceeds she is not in the country but there will be consequences for not returning them on time which is why I am here now on top of all the other stuff.
13. To top things off my financial status with the marital debts has hit the wall and I have defaulted on some of agreements and I am struggling to live, I have explained this to her but she has reported me to the csa despite the fact they earn in excess of £200K, go on nice holidays. have nice cars etc and asked her to respect my situation as I am trying to pay off debts that were built up on joint salaries.
With all of the above I don't know whether I have a good case for residency as I am more than capable of having the children to live with me and their mum can see them just as much and it will save all this controlling behaviour and unreasonable demands, at minimum I want a more stringent contact order put in place where I don't have my time with my children restricted.
Can anyone give me their thoughts from their own experiences, naturally I can't afford legal costs but I do have access to a free legal hotline at work which will help.
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