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Applying for Primary Carer

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Hi All,


First post on here, so go easy on me!


My wife told me she wanted a divorce approx. 9 months ago. She is planning to buy her own place, and providing the re-mortgage of our family home goes through, I will remain on here. I do 90% of the school runs, drop off/pick up for out-of-school clubs and activities, clean, iron and prepare their school uniform, make packed lunches, etc, while she remains asleep in the spare room. I have a great relationship with my two kids and I am happy to continue doing these things until my wife moves out, as it's easier than causing an argument.


However, recently we downloaded a shared calendar, as we know we will soon need to manage schedules once the kids have two houses to go between. But my wife has taken her usual actions to another level. She is booking weekends away (she has been seeing someone else for a while now) almost every weekend for months in advance. She doesn't consult with me, or even let me know what she's doing - she just 'block books' weekends and expects me to accept/work around it.


I'm hoping that she will be moving out within a couple of months. So I figure it's best to wait until the deal is sealed. But once it is, I want to apply for primary carer. I believe that if this goes in my favour, it will give me the legal backing to be able to put my foot down. I don't want more than 50% of the kids time. As long as I get at least half their time, I'm ok with that. They need their Mother. I don't care about her paying more than her share, even if the kids are with me 100% of the time. I just want what's best for them. I just want legal backing to be able to push back on her when she takes advantage/messes me and the kids about. She is incredibly selfish, and I believe that she will cause chaos if she's not forced into committing to specific dates and times.


Can anyone tell me how I go about applying for primary carer, and how long it takes before she will be notified that I've done so? I don't want her to know before the mortgage/living situation has gone through, as she's likely to derail everything if she feels she's not getting her way.



Topic starter Posted : 26/07/2024 12:46 pm
Illustrious Member


you mention you don't want kids more than 50% of time. so with that criteria it wouldn't make sense to apply to be primary carer.

if you want a child arrangements order from court with structured routine for kids, you would need to attend mediation first. 1st step would be to book a MIAM appointment. costs about £100 and most offer free £500 voucher scheme.

Posted : 27/07/2024 11:19 am

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