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application hearing...
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[Solved] application hearing moved.... should i be worried

Posts: 63
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Estimable Member
Joined: 12 years ago

hi me again
as i mentioned last week my ex has asked for a discharge of residence order. i recieved a letter on monday from the court saying that this was going to be adressed on the same day as our review hearing. today i recieved another letter from the court saying the application hearing has been brought forward two weeks. it says it will last 20 minutes, could this mean my ex has got her own way and will get the discharge as the allowed time just doesnt seem long enough for us to both have a say. the court doesnt even have my responce to her statement yet either.
thanks again for reading

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

...Try not to worry too much Martin, in my opinion they cant conclude such an important decision in 20 minutes, its more likely the review will take place and another hearing ordered. Try and stay positive and maybe try and talk to the Social Worker involved in the case for some reassurance and advice.

Has the CCLC commented on your previous post yet, if not you could give them a call and have a chat about it.

Good luck 🙂

Joined: 12 years ago

Estimable Member
Posts: 63

thats what ive been told but cant help but worry shes up to something. i feel confident with my statement so hopefully that wil help. the one thing they seem to focus on is care proceedings and that social services have done it all wrong.

im going to look silly now, what is the CCLC?

thank you again for everything 🙂

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

CCLC is the Coram Childrens Legal Centre and you'll find a link at the bottom of the page.

I seem to remember one of the moderators was going to ask them to comment on your situation and get in touch with you on your previous thread. They can take a couple of days to respond.


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