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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Anyone had s7 repor...
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[Solved] Anyone had s7 report

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Posts: 5420
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Joined: 6 years ago

hi city dad,

cafcass call is very basic. like an introductory thing. mine lasted about 15-20 minutes. just gathering details about you and ex and children. asking about relationship breakdown. how often do you see children and what arrangements are you looking for.

section 7 is more detailed. you will get interviewed. a lot of it will be around the allegations your ex made about you, and you will be expected to respond to some. and you will be asked about what arrangements you are seeking, to spend time with children. i handed in my parenting plan during the interview. cafcass woman also asked me to complete a parenting questionnaire. overall mine was very positive. ex would only disagree with any thing that was not in the report recommendations lol.

Posts: 289
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Really helpful thanks . Cafcass didn’t request one after my call but they haven’t interviewed the ex as she didn’t take their call , it was suggested by Ss that the court may order one . We’ll see ..

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