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[Solved] Anonymous witness

Active Member Registered

First of all, thank you all for contributing and maintaining this forum, family courts are not the friendliest environment for non resident parents. Reading you gave me a light of hope.

My partner is willing to provide a witness statement in my upcoming child arrangements case. She has some reservations though, she would rather not have my ex knowing her surname, profession, employer and address. (she has been desperately trying to track her down). Is there a way the court could accept a witness with these caveats? My ex has met her so cross examining her would not be an issue.

Topic starter Posted : 30/05/2018 4:03 pm
Illustrious Member

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'd ring the court and ask them, they might be able to point you in the right direction.

Posted : 31/05/2018 1:31 am
Famed Member

You can submit her statement without that information and if necessary, you can let the court know why that information is missing.

If she's willing to attend as a witness, she doesn't necessarily have to disclose all of that.

As your partner, her evidence can be used, it just might be considered biased.

Best wishes

Posted : 31/05/2018 1:35 am
Active Member Registered

Thank you for your help! much appreciated!
I've been trying to figure out how to best spend the little money I have and considering my English is not amazing, (especially when it comes to speak publicly) I will be budgeting for a barrister for the FHDRA and the following hearing (hoping it will stop there).
I am now in the middle of reading the 45 pages my ex sent for this FHDRA, most of it cannot be corroborated except 2 instances where I have witnesses happy to confirm that I had just raised my voice to discipline my son. One of the instances is a bit tricky as the witness is a 10y old boy, his mother asked him about that incident and he didn't seem to see anything wrong, obviously everything is subjective but can a 10y old be part of this or could his mother prepare a witness statement?

On another subject can the court order a MIAM to disclose the list of matters to discuss the other party had sent to them?

Finally considering you can get a non molestation for just raising your eyebrows I have declined any contact with my ex since the proceedings started and she is now accusing me of refusing to speak to our son. Can a resident parent stop informal arrangements, threaten with reporting you to the authorities for harassment if you come near their house and then accuse you of neglecting your child when all you're trying to do is protect yourself?

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2018 8:08 pm

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