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Allegation of Harassment to Police from my 12yr old daughter

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As has been said, you will be entitled to a duty solicitor for potential criminal matters. 

It might be worth applying to court to vary your CAO as they could look at ways to improve the situation. You wouldn't necessarily have the same Cafcass or court personnel dealing with your case. It's probably the last thing you want to do right now, but given the ages of the children, time is of the essence if you wanted professional help with progressing your relationship with them. 

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To clarify, yes everyone is entitled to a free duty solicitor for the interview. My suggestion was that some may give you additional free time in advance to prepare for the interview itself especially if you source your own rather than just go with the police appointed at the time.. 

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Thanks for all the advice. I've arranged for free legal representation. 

I'm interested to know whether any other alienated parents have been in a similar situation?

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@spaz Hello, 

I just wanted to share some useful tips on communicating with young people, that you maybe able to adapt to the times when you text your daughter. It must be tough for you when you feel like she isn't responding the way you would like, but don't give up, even if you don't receive the response you wish too, keep encouraging her, tell her you care about her and that you are always ready to listen or chat to if she needs it. Would you be able to do a video call of some sort ? Any how, here are a few suggestions:

1. Always be ready to listen and try not to ask too many direct questions, instead letting the texting/conversation flow when it's ready.

2. Validate their feelings. For example  - "It sounds like you've had a busy day at school, you must be tired."

3. Give praise and encouragement  - harder to do over a text, but still important. It will help your daughter gain self-confidence.

4. Keep calm  - make sure before sending any communication with your daughter that you are calm yourself and this will lead to a positive interaction, even if it is via text or call.

5. Perhaps ask her next time you are in contact to tell you about any significant dates she has coming up  - school tests, out of school achievements, etc, so that you can send her an encouragement via text to let her know you are thinking of her.

6. Be respectful of former family members if they are brought up in conversation. Remember you are both still the children's parents and you both care about them, as will other family members and friends of both families. 

7. Agree a time and date when you will both speak again, and if it helps share some of your week and how it's gone with your daughter so she knows what's happening in the world of dad.

I hope some of this is useful, your daughter may still be sad that her parents are no longer together, so go gently and don't give up.

Wishing you all the best,

Fegans PSV

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Yes unfortunately a lot of parents who have an ex they dont get on with are capable of going to many extremes to obstruct and frustrate a relationship with your children. 

By arranging mediation and looking at family court proceedings ,if this fails will look more favorable with the police when they speak to you than if you leave it how it is now. You are showing then that you need to do things the legal way and that whatever happened before wasnt harrassement , but a little bit of frustration and there been no contact order in place. And after your interview dont bother contacting any of them via phone or in person as they may not leave it and attempt to get you into bother again. By all means if your daughter contacts you 1st then that would be fine , but only talk about contact arrangements only. With your legal representation also , i would arrange to meet him/her outside police station then go in together , but obviously arranged at a certain time with police. This would avoid any delays and will enable you to be interviewed and able to leave quicker afterwards

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