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Advice wanted

Posts: 3
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Seperated from partner 5 months ago, we have a 10 month old together. Had an amazing relationship but it broke down after birth of son, in truth I didn't adjust.

I have my priorities in order since break up and have asked to increase contact to include overnights and even phase up to them if needed.

Have gone through first mediation together but she is still unwilling to budge on overnights, except I am getting an extra hour on weekend days.

Trust has broken down and she says we are no longer friends. Have agreed to work on a couple of things over next 4 weeks in hope things change.

Want to remain positive but as no safe guarding issues, I can look after our son well, as much as I don't want the court that likely to be my only option?

Any advice welcome!


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I would suggest you ask ex when does she believe it will be appropriate for overnights to begin. I went through a similar experience and ended up going through courts. They decided that overnights should begin when child turns age 2 and a half years old. Every case is different. If you have an agreeable ex then overnights could start sooner than that.

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Posts: 3

@bill337 thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately she has given no indication of when it maybe, not even phasing upto it. I guess I need to see how the next few weeks pan out, if we make some positive steps, see if anything comes of the next mediation session but if still no movement I don't think I have much choice 🤔 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5423

@dependabledad yes see how mediation goes. If it fails then you have option to take legal route.

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Posts: 3

@bill337 yep, second joint mediation session in 4 weeks and will see where things are then. Will keep you posted as no doubt will need advice later down the line if things are amicable or no compromise


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