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Advice to other dad...
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[Solved] Advice to other dads

Posts: 81
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Joined: 8 years ago

Just wanted to say to all dads no matter how hard it gets do not let the court system break you .it nearly broke me before somebody on dads info give me a kick up the [censored] which im greatful for we all know that are actions or words get twisted by ppl in court and where made out to be monsters by proffesionals involved because they believe the lies told by exs .one day all are kids will be right back by our sides .going through court ten years i thought i could say ok yeah i tried my best and i will wait for my child to find me .but thats impoasible i have to keep trying walking away for me was not the answer .i will keep fighting to see my child .fresh application another road .might even have to appeal and appeal but i cannot give up and i wont give up .keep your chins up dads out there ..i know your hurting and the pain you feel .but remember this wont be forever and one day your kids will be back .

2 Replies
Posts: 1306
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Joined: 14 years ago

I couldn't agree more with this post!

Pursuit of contact, protecting contact or extending contact within the family courts in England these days can be a huge rollercoaster of emotions.
You will have up days, down days and if you’re unlucky to have an ex like some then very very bad days.
It’s how you get back up from the downs that will build your strength to keep fighting for your child’s/children’s right to have you in their life.

There are so many days where i found myself considering giving up, if i hadn’t found this site forum back in 2011 i don’t know what i would have done.

The best advice i would add to the OP is to never bottle things up, it’s not cool for a man to talk about feelings or even need or admit to crying, but bottling things up doesn’t not help. Talking things through, getting another perspective or just some advice that you’d not thought of can be enough to pick you up again.

Over the years I’ve been a member of this forum I’ve used it for researching what i can do to help keep myself as a part in my (child’s) life.
I’ve used it for venting off about the lies and false allegations the ex comes out with next. and about the injustices and inconsistency of the courts and CAFCASS.
But no matter what I’ve needed it for I’ve always found invaluable information given to me to help me focus on the positives and find strength to fight on.

I want to be able to stand face to face with my (child) in years to come and say to them truthfully that i did everything i could to keep them in my life and that i did everything within my power to do that.
I want to be able to hold my head up to those around and say to them that i did my best.
If my best was not good enough then it wasn’t for the lack of trying or fighting it was because the system is not fool proof.

Regardless of what the ex’s say….your child/children need you in their lives, stay strong for them guys and girls!

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

I agree with both of these posts, thanks for these.


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