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[Solved] ADVICE PLEASE - new court hearing

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Yes I will still get to continue to have my kids 5 nights a fortnight and half the holidays. Whether she continues to mess me around who knows! Hence the question about whether I can get the thing (forget the name) put in place to mean any future applications have to go through the court first for approval before dragging me in...

Forget what that's called or whether it's likely to be granted

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well before applying to court first, you have to attempt mediation. also what you could have done in last court hearing, was ask if court can shedule a review hearing in say 12 months time, to see if arrangements are still working. that way you dont have to fork out another £215 to apply to court again.

there have been some cases where judges got sick of seeing the same parents in court all the time lol. so they ordered that both parents can not return to court for the next 5 years :p

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Since you’ve paid for everything you want to make sure you walk out of court with an order in place . My ex told me all sorts about agreeing by consent etc and it never happened . If you’re going to walk away with an order you want it might be worthwhile wearing the costs .
I don’t think you can get an order preventing someone applying to court unless they’ve applied over and over again and their claims have been shown to be frivolous

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