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I am divorced, and have a 9 year old boy who resides with his mother.
I previously used to ring my son on the home phone number of my ex-wife. I usually phoned him every day and he would also call me from the same number.
Following a dispute with my ex-wife, involving the Police she is now saying that she has been told by the Police not to communicate with me in any way whatsoever. This conflicts with what I have been told by the Police, who have advised me that it is not practical, and that we clearly need to communicate with each other for parenting reasons. I have been told that communication should be kept to a bare minimum, and only relate to my son.Otherwise, this could be seen as harassment. I am happy to do adhere to this advice.
My questions:
1. Am I right with my assertion with regard to contact with my ex-wife re; parenting our son. Is she just being awkward and unreasonable ? Should I continue to contact her via e-mail regarding our son ( what other options are there ?)
2. She has advised me that I should not phone her home to speak to our son and that I should get a mobile phone for him so that I may call him/him call me.
Is this reasonable ? Or should I suggest that I only call at a certain time in the morning/evening on her home number. My view is that I should still be able to phone on the home number. After all when I call she will know it's me (number ID) and simply be able to hand the phone over to him.
I welcome your comments, and thank you in advance for any help you can give.
Welcome to the DAD.info forum.
We don’t like to set ‘rules’, but to make sure that you and the other dads are kept safe, we have some requests. When engaging with the forum, please be aware of the following:
- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
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