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Access to child has...
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[Solved] Access to child has been stopped

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I'm looking for some advice.... My sons mother has stopped me seeing my son even though either myself or my family have had him every weekend for the last 20 months. When he was born I wasn't with the mum so I'm not on the birth certificate and she refuses to add me. I've looked into this and think I need to do the following

A) apply to the court for parental responsibility form c1, once this is granted
B) apply to the court for a contact order.

Also I've always paid child maintenance directly to the mother but she now wants to go through CSA which is fine by me, so do I contact them to start a new application.

Please help, all advice appreciated

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Posts: 1306

You're right with the what you need to do section. there are others on here who will pop by with better explaination of that side of things than i.

with regards to the maintenance part......if you really want to go throught them then i would contact the CSA but there are so many guys who've been going through [censored] with them! massive arrear claims and extortionate payment demands due to ex's who lie to them!
Can you prove you have been paying since you left/child was born? if you have everything electronic then that will be easier to prove. however if like my mate at work you paid her cash with no way to prove it other than your word against hers then my friend you're up sh*t creek!!

CSA options are linked on this site...give them a call to discuss....i know i'd not want the CSA involved seeing what my mate has gone/goes through every year with them!

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Posts: 2

No everything has been cash apart from a couple of bank transfers. I didn't realise they would try and make you back pay. I know she will lie about it too as she told my sister last week that I hadn't paid child maintenance for 7 months, fortunately I had made a bank transfer only a coupe of weeks ago.

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Posts: 1306

You need to try and wrok out how to prove you have paid her, try getting her to sign to say you have paid her each week/month....if she won't be truthful then you can expect to be forced to pay back pay regardless of what you say....Sorry but if you can't prove it then you didn't pay is how the CSA will look at it!

from now onwards you need to pay her in a way that you can prove it......Bank Transfer is the easiest way but you need to have the transfer titled MAINTENANCE for xxxx (childs name)

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Posts: 623

Hi, you can apply for contact on the form c100 and you can apply for a pr at the same time on form c1, it will cost you £200 if you do it seperate it it will be £400 and take a lot longer you need to send the papers to the nearest court to where your child lives. They will expect you to have tried mediation and will proberbly order that at the first hearing. If you try mediation first and it fails the mediator will need to sign the fm1 form to say you have tried this route . Csa run a mile from it , you can go on the website and work out how much you have to pay then set up a standing order marked to her name and what its for. Csa is being scrapped in 2014 and the Goverment are saying you should sort it out yourselfs.


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