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I’ve pm’d you.
Try not to overthink the Social workers role, it better not to try and second guess what his motives are, or what the outcome might be... I think it’s as well to trust him, until he gives you reason not to.
Hi if you meant personal message didn't get one. Had the caffcass phone interview today and it made no sense at all,she asked me nothing just briefly what had happened prior to my court application. Then said it would be necessary to do an s7 report which would take 12 weeks!! She asked nothing about any old convictions just that they would be telling the social worker involved to do it. They have already said there are no safeguarding issues so why just seems they have made their mind up based on my past I'm at my white end and to be honest at the point of giving up I've done nothing and been fully co operative and understanding of everyone in this just to be kicked again it's pathetic and is pushing me to the absolutel edge!!!!!
It’s quite usual for a more detailed S7 report to be requested where there have been allegations made, try not to get stressed out about it.
It can often feel like nothing’s going right, we’ve all felt like that, but in the end things turn out ok... just keep chipping away at it, do what’s asked of you and take it one step at a time, you’ll get there.
You’re going to need plenty of patience, it’s a given. .. you also need to stay strong and take care of the basics like getting enough sleep and eating regularly. Don’t forget to give yourself a break and take time out to do something you enjoy, being kind to yourself is important.
All the best
Thankyou for all your advice and help Mojo it's very much appreciated and I shall take it on board and try my best. Thanks Steve
Given what has been said by the SW previously, I can't see the S7 report going in the mother's favour.
I would also add that in your position statement, you can ask the court for permission to file the Children's Services paperwork that you have to date. Take 3 copies of it with you in case the court is agreeable to accepting the evidence.
Due to how the mother is behaving, unless she agrees to a sensible interim arrangement, be prepared to accept contact being supervised at a centre or by a neutral third party. This is to protect you, not your daughter!
Best of luck
Welcome to the DAD.info forum.
We don’t like to set ‘rules’, but to make sure that you and the other dads are kept safe, we have some requests. When engaging with the forum, please be aware of the following:
- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
We hope you find this forum a supportive environment and thank you for joining us.