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[Solved] Abuse

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Hi thankyou having met with the social worker involved today he explained what had happened etc and their findings.
They are happy that there is no case to answer and went as far as to indicate that in their opinion and the police's my daughter had been as good as coached as to what to say when in front of her mother. When interviewed alone she had nothing but positive things to say about my partner which is a great relief obviously. That said he did indicate that he thought it was just away of stopping contact by my ex and said I would be sent a report of their findings. My mediation meeting is in 10 days time should these events be mentioned etc? Also I have heard I can ask for an interim order is this correct? How do I go about it etc? Thanks in advance Steve

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I suppose the question is whether you think you can get anywhere with mediation, if so, then it's worth continuing, but otherwise, then I'd speak to the mediators to tell them as such.

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That’s good news.. if you do mention it at mediation, I wouldn’t go into detail, just mention that investigations are concluded and not found, so there’s no reason for contact not to be restarted. As hard as it might be, I would try and keep the mediation session civil and reassuring. Your aim is to get her to agree to contact resuming.

It might be helpful to introduce the CAFCASS Parenting Plan for you to work through together at the meeting, so that you have some agreement in place. You could also ask for decisions to be written into a Memorandum of Understanding, which although not legally binding, does show intent, should she break the terms of your agreement in future.

If contact has been suspended for no good reason, and agreement can’t be reached at mediation, it’s always a good idea to ask for an interim order for contact to resume straight away, as the abrupt cessation of contact will be distressing for your child, who is closely bonded with you all.

This would be asked for on the C100 application form, that the mediator would sign to enable you to make an application for a Child Arrangements Order. There is a section that asks what you would like the court to do.

Try and remain calm, as actd says, if you feel that mediation wouldn’t work, speak to the mediator, if they understand the level of the mothers hostility, they may agree that mediation isn’t appropriate and sign the form to enable you to go straight to court.

All the best

Posts: 80
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Hi and thankyou for all your advice. It's obviously a traumatic time for both myself and my partner who is obviously relieved that the matter has been looked into and she has been completely vindicated to say being accused of such terrible things devastated her. If you could help with the following it would be much appreciated once given the relevant forms which court would I register them in my ex's or in the place I live as she lives in a different town? Also is the interim order a seperate application to the contact order and submitted on a different form? Please forgive my ignorance I am struggling with not seeing my daughter and can't think clearly. Does anyone have any idea how long an interim order takes to put into place? I know I have to stay strong for my daughter's sake but being away from her is ripping me apart I can hardly function the one thing that drives me is she needs me to do this. Thanks in advance Steve

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Again from my partners experience, and understanding of going through all of it with him - i believe it should be the family court local to where the child lives.
As for the interim order, when you fill out C100 mention wanting an interim order in place.

Good Luck

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