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Hi and thanks I have been talking regularly with him. Today he rang to say he had been talking to her and a Christmas day visit was on the cards and he was ringing to sort details with me before going back to her to finalise things this obviously gave me a great boost and immeasurable joy. He did say that it was very likely she would only allow it if my partner wasn't present despite the fact their investigations and those of the police show no evidence found and no safeguarding issues were found. I have said that I obviously agree for my daughter's sake (and for mine truth be known). My worry is that she will twist this as some kind of admission that my partner has done something wrong and will insist this and want an order made not allowing me contact if my partner is present in court! She has done nothing and shown that I know she would only be trying to control my life no other reason as this would make maintaining a relationship impossible! Is it really likely a court would allow this and act on it? I'm sure it must have happened to others in the past? How do I combat this if it is her intention because I'm sure it is? I have expressed my fears to the social worker and that it is to be in no way misconstrued as any type of admission by anyone but will gladly agree to it so that contact can start to be reinstated. This worries me greatly please help!
Thanks in advance Steve
I would just go with getting contact in the first place. Once this is established properly, then you can start to push for your partner to be included. If contact is going well, a court isn't going to stop this without good reason, and since the reports on your partner sound favourable, your ex is going to sound petty in court trying to prevent contact just because she doesn't want it.
Hi just an update and some questions. Next court date is in one week the S7 report has been done and I can see only positive things in it with the reccomendatiions basically being that contact be reinstated with my daughter as it was prior to my ex making her vile accusations as no evidence was found to support any of them. I have had a few contacts with my daughter and it's broken my heart to hear her say how much she misses me and all her paternal family and just wants things as they were. Her mother has been as obstructive as she can in all this with no regard for my daughter's pain. My question is will this be an end to all this nonsense I just want it to end for everyone's sake. Thanks in advance Steve
Courts generally tend to go with the recommendations in a S7 and they will try and get you both to agree to this at the next hearing.
If you can't agree, then the court can list a final hearing where both of you tell the court what you would like them to do and why and the court will make the decisions for you.
Thankyou obviously I am fine with what the report reccomendatiions are but after further talks with the social worker she has indicated she intends to contest the report spouting more false accusations as well as some of her old ones which have been investigated and as it says in the report "No evidence to support her concerns found" which there neve would be as they are all fabrication and as such no evidence can be shown. My understanding is that she will have to present concerns and evidence to the court if she wishes to contest the report is this true? Do I need to prepare anything for court on Monday or do I just leave things in the hands of the social worker who has been ordered to attend? Whilst the social worker has indicated to me he feels she is doing this because of my relationship he has not put this in his report saying at this time it's not relevant as the report should only be about allegations investigation that took place and out comes proposed is this correct? I ask because to me it's very relevant to what has been alleged he also says it's not clear why the allegations were made by my daughter in the report but has said to me on several occasions from day one that because of variations and different accounts being given by my daughter particularly when she was spoken to without her mother there that they thought she had been coached to say it but the report does not mention this surely to god that's VERY relevant? I just do not understand this process at all it makes no sense and the strength I have maintained is leaving me to be honest and I feel like giving in 6 months on I feel I have got no where I'm at my white end!!!! Thanks in advance Steve
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