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Have you spoken to the person that prepared the S2 to ask them to amend it to reflect the acquittal?
Otherwise you can prepare a brief position statement to take with youro the hearing to cover this.
The recommendations made are favourable, best of luck moving forward.
Hello I didn't have time to get hold of them as fhdra was yesterday . Didn't get any interim order I asked but was told it wasn't possible he said the social worker would facilitate this despite asking her politely she just refused. She is still claiming my partner has hurt my daughter despite the social services and police looking into it and finding no issues. Her statement to court was just pure rubbish and full of contradiction at taking the social worker's report laughable she put she has no problem at all with me seeing my daughter and then refuses. The social worker did ring me to see how it had gone and didn't seem impressed he obviously has to do the S7 report which led them to adjourn it to March I am already at my white end with all this and the thought of facing Christmas without seeing my little girl is tearing me apart. The social worker has said he will be asking for contact but she will just refuse for spite I am finding it difficult to control myself in the face of constant easily disproved lies by this woman whilst my little girl suffers it's ridiculous and I don't see an end in sight to be honest
Thanks Steve
So sorry to hear this Steve. All I can suggest is that you keep in regular contact with the Social Worker and push him to arrange contact, have you suggested supervised contact in a contact centre?
Hello I said I would take any contact offered it seems so ludicrous she stated in her position state ment and I quote I have no objection whatsoever in reinstating my daughter's contact with her dad provided safety is ensured by the police and social services!! it says that clearly in the social worker's assessment!!! Even the social worker agreed it was ridiculous and the lies were ridiculous accused me of taking drugs I work in a safety critical environment and am randomly tested 4-6 times a month and have been for 20 years and never failed just to mention one of the pathetic untruths she put which are easily disproved when the judge said you are welcome to arrange contact between yourselves I asked for permission to ask her and did so which she just refused. Seems these types of people be it women or men can lie in what is supposed to be a court of law with no repercussions it's pathetic.
Thanks Steve
Keep on at the social worker and perhaps look for a contact centre that you can use......
Best of luck
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- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
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