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Here we go again it's another review hearing at court tomorrow, It's been 4 months since the last hearing when the court reviewed the Cafcass s7 report and ordered that I see my Daughter in a contact centre every 2 weeks, that I complete a 12 week parenting course and that I do another Cannabis hair strand test. My ex was ordered to do a DV course to get over our relationship even though I've never even raised my voice to her.
I was also ordered to have indirect contact with my step daughter by sending her presents and a card on her birthday which I have done and this was supposed to last until the next hearing tomorrow so I'm hoping I can fight for contact to see her aswell.
The court also ordered that I do 7 court bundles which I have and handed in to the courts 2 weeks ago.
Contact has been going great despite the staff at the centre been an absolute nightmare I've got 1 more contact this weekend then the last one is 2 weeks after, I've got 3 more sessions left on my parenting course and I have completed another negative cannabis hair strand test.
The ex apparently hasn't attended the course but I'm not really concerned about that.
I still havent been granted PR that was to be decided once I had completed all the above and shown my commitment to my Girl (what a joke) so I'm hoping contact will be moved to weekly that I will be granted PR and I get chance to see my Step daughter.
I've heard on the grapevine that my ex was expecting to see a copy of the bundles proof that I've done my course and to see a negative drug test but she sent me a letter saying she will contact the police and get me done for harassment if I send her anything so I haven't bothered and the court requested I include it all in my bundles which I have done so she thinks I havent done any of it and thinks I've just walked away and I won't be showing up for court tomorrow (she's in for a shock :).
I can't see my ex agreeing to anything so I'm hoping after tomorrow it will go to a final hearing I can't see and can't be doing with this going to another review hearing so I was wondering peoples thoughts on if this will be the case, I'm just about at the end of my tether with it all now and had enough I'm sick of proving myself sick of doing courses and drug tests and I'm pushing it at work even they have been brilliant I sense they are getting sick of all the time off i've had to take.
What your thought?
Slim 🙂
Hey hun
Best of luck for tomorrow! Hope it goes well for you and the girls.
How long is tomorrow's hearing scheduled for & is magistrates?
Thanks, It's listed for an hour and I'm presuming it's going to be 3 lay judges again but you never know :whistle:
Well you can never predict what will happen but as it's listed for an hour perhaps they will give you a slight increase and if the ex still won't agree, they should in theory go for a fully contested final hearing.
Magistrates are generally slower at moving things along but you have jumped through all of the hoops now & are well prepared so fingers crossed you get some progress. Still not sure why they ordered bundles from you for a review hearing though, does seem odd!
As you say, you never know. Fingers crossed for you 🙂
Good luck Slim!
Yeah we had a different set of lay judges from the ones who made the original CAO at the last hearing we attended due to my ex ignoring the order, they mentioned final hearing 2 or 3 times and I'm sure they thought tomorrow was the final contested hearing they were very abrupt in ordering me to get the bundles sorted they didn't have a clue what day it was at the cao hearing they said "please update your bundles for the next hearing Mr Slim" all I got through from the last hearing was a court order to have the 7 bundles handed in at the start of Nov so I think they have everything [censored] about [censored] to be fair.
I'm not to bothered about the PR I just hope contact goes to weekly and unsupervised as cafcass recommended.
We have all been on your journey with you and you have helped and inspired others along the way... and learnt a fair bit about the workings of this god awful system of ours! You've jumped through hoops within hoops and each time you have attended a hearing you have moved it forward. I feel confident you will get there Slim... Best of luck tomorrow.
I'll be honest slim, I haven't followed your journey cause I've not been here long, I have been here long enough to take some sound advice from you though.
All I have to say now is good luck dude!
You're nearly there and you've done an amazing job so far.....hope it goes well! Hold it together.
all the best big man. Justice is near for you and your 'wee lassies'. Devotion will always win. I've only been here 6 months but integral to my 'recovery' was the reply you gave me on my first post here. I have had a bit of good news today in my journey, another small part of the jigsaw has been placed in its correct place. Considerable gaps are still needed to complete it but I swear man, you are a total inspiration to us all.
No matter what happens tomorrow, leave that court a proud man and 'daddy'.....One day your 'wee lassies' will recognise that you fought against the odds and won.
In slim we trust..... 🙂
WOW! Thanks guys kind words indeed 🙂
This week has been great I've finally been getting some decent sleep and been getting back on it at work then just after I posted this today I started to get a headache and my head started been all fuzzy I gradually started to feel sick and dizzy I actually felt sick with worry.
It took me 3 hours to get back home I ended up being a right mess, I pulled over 5 times to be sick by the road side it was [censored], got home had a shower and climbed into bed where I still am, I'm exhausted proper incapable of doing anything although I have managed a to eat a couple of slices of toast, I've so had enough of all this bullshit with the courts, I will get through it but I'm dreading things getting dragged out for another 6 months or so tomorrow I honestly don't think my body can take it no more I just want to get on with my life, enough is enough.
I've got a feeling that nothing will really progress tomorrow I need some sort of closure as I'm sick of worrying about my job ect as I can't have anymore time off and I'm close to being financially screw balled I think it's unfair that I should be close to losing everything to enable me to see my Girl it sucks 🙁
Good luck Slim! I wish you the very best outcome today! Keep your head up and show them you mean business and make sure you eat well and drink plenty before you go in!
Good luck for things today Mr Slim. Will check back later for an update on how you got on.
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