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Shared travel expen...
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[Solved] Shared travel expenses

Posts: 1
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Everyone.
I've been divorced for nearly a year now and things still haven't settled in to a new routine. Most recently I've moved from the West Midlands to East Sussex to re-build my life. I pay regular maintenance and always have (although the Ex has recently decided to call upon the CSA).

My question are simple:

1. Is my Ex under any obligation to meet me half way when we drive our children between our premises?
2. Can I claim anything back from the CSA for travel expenses when we drive our children between our premises?

If anyone has any knowledge or experience I'd love to hear it?
Thanks in advance.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there πŸ™‚

I think you are entitled to a reduction in CSA payments to accomodate travelling expenses. Have a look at the sticky called "How does the CSA calculate payments". You'll find it at the top of the Child Maintenance section. It provides a link to a rather informative CSA leaflet and I'm pretty sure it will give you more information about whether you qualify for a travelling expenses reduction.

As far as meeting halfway, thats a very grey area...some people manage to get it written into a Contact Order from the courts, but mostly its generally up to the non resident parent to do all the travelling. There are exceptions, my son has custody of his son but its still up to him to take his son to her for a contact visit and to pick him up afterwards. So perhaps the onus is nearly always on the man!....sounds about right, more injustice! 😑


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