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New Father to be
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[Solved] New Father to be

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Hi guys,

My i have recently discovered that i'm about to be a dad (not for a while though). My partner took a test last sunday and it was positive. It still hasn't sunk in yet though. My fears are based on money and how i am going to provide for 3 on just my wage. I beleive we will just scrape through still receiving roughly the same money as now, child tax, working tax credit and child benefit.

How do i start looking to claim, when should i claim and any tips on saving money now and in the future?


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(@Super Mario)
Joined: 16 years ago

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Posts: 1621

Hi JBye

First of all congratulations on your news.

It is natural to be concerned about money especially as you may feel that you have to provide for your family. There are some great links that will help you within Dad Talk ... l%20issues

In my experience it is about making sensible sacrifices and looking at ways to save now, try to budget. If your partner works ask for a copy of their Maternity policy and how she will get paid. She will get £123.06 per week SMP for the first 39 weeks.

Good luck with it but don't stress too much - you need to savour this as your life will very much change for the better!!!


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Hi there, congratulations!

In order to apply for Child Benefit and tax credits the baby must be born. Although it may take time for the money to come through, they will backdate it from the date that the baby is born. So as soon as it's popped out, make the call!

Your partner will be entitled to 'Health in Pregnancy' grant. It's non means tested so your current income won't make a difference. It's a one off payment of £190 and can be claimed once 25 weeks pregnant. I've attached a link which maybe of some use:

Hope this helps and good luck!

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Posts: 119

From my experience,don't worry becouse once that little baby comes along you'll realize that as long as your all healthy and fed and clothed etc-your all right.


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