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Ask a CCCS counsell...
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[Solved] Ask a CCCS counsellor a question

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The Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) is a registered charity offering free and confidential advice and support to anyone who is worried about any aspect of their finances. Sarah, Sue, Amanda, Matthew and Alan are a dedicated team of debt counsellors who are waiting to answer any questions you have on debts, budgeting or general money advice.

There are a number of ways that the team can help give you advice, you can either:-

  1. Ask a question on the thread below and someone from CCCS will post a reply here, or join in for a general debt chat!
  2. Ask one of the team a question in private via their team inbox -
  3. Visit Debt Remedy. Debt Remedy is a free, online facility where you can input details of your income, expenditure and debts. You will then be given advice tailored to your situation, and an advice booklet which you can print off. If you would like to visit Debt Remedy click [url= ]here

In addition to the link above, the CCCS also have a blog which could be of interest to those needing help and advice with budgeting, money management as well as debt advice. It's CCCS blog

13 Replies
13 Replies
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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

At present, where I work, the future is looking a little uncertain. I took out accident and redundancy insurance almost a year ago (the company I work for was still doing very well at the time) which will pay out £750 per month for up to a year to cover the basics. If the worst happens, and I claim on this, is this insurance payout taxable, and does it have any affect on any benefits that I could claim?

(@CCCS Sue)
Joined: 16 years ago

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Posts: 9

Hi actd and thank you for our first message! 😀

First of all, the insurance payment should not be taxable.
With regard to the affect on any benefits you could claim, this is more complex and would depend on the type of benefit you were receiving.
For example, if you have income based JSA paid straight to a mortgage lender to keep up your mortgage payments, then this should not affect your benefits.
If it is paid directly to you, then it could affect your benefits.

If you received contribution based JSA then it should not affect your benefit payment.

I would recommend that you contact your benefits office for further advice on this.


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Thanks for the reply. Hopefully, I will not lose my job so won't have to worry about it, but it's nice to have the information in advance. 🙂

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Great service Dadtalk, especially at this difficult time for many!

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Hi CCCS - my wife set up some pet insurance by 'direct debit' on our joint credit card. I tried to cancel the insurance but unlike current account direct debits i was told you can't cancel it from the bank end... of course when i called the insurance company they wouldn't speak to me as its in my wifes name.... Is this correct... the credit card is in my name, and she is an additional card holder.... i can get my wife to call but i do money stuff in our family and she keeps forgetting...

I also have the same thing with lovefilm and can't find a way to cancel on their site, don't get any dvds but they keep charging our card

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Hi CCCS - my wife set up some pet insurance by 'direct debit' on our joint credit card. I tried to cancel the insurance but unlike current account direct debits i was told you can't cancel it from the bank end... of course when i called the insurance company they wouldn't speak to me as its in my wifes name.... Is this correct... the credit card is in my name, and she is an additional card holder.... i can get my wife to call but i do money stuff in our family and she keeps forgetting...

I also have the same thing with lovefilm and can't find a way to cancel on their site, don't get any dvds but they keep charging our card

Hi MattyB,

Thank you for your post.

If you set up a standing payment on your credit card then you will need to contact the company that takes the payment to cancel the instruction.

If your wife is finding it difficult to find the time to call them you could write a letter and post it to the insurance company. As the insurance is in her name then she will need to sign the letter.

I hope that this helps.


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Posts: 123

You guys got any ideas about how to best save money in the build up to christmas? I dread to think about what christmas costs us as a family of 4 and we only set ourselves a £10 budget each as adults. 🙄

How can i stop christmas from being a credit card battle?

Joined: 16 years ago

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Posts: 4

You guys got any ideas about how to best save money in the build up to christmas? I dread to think about what christmas costs us as a family of 4 and we only set ourselves a £10 budget each as adults. 🙄

How can i stop christmas from being a credit card battle?

Hi freerunner,

Thank you for your message. On the money side of things, you could try and increase your income either by overtime or see if there are any part time seasonal jobs around.

When it comes to buying the gifts do set a limit on how much you are spending on each other. Once you know what you are buying for your friends and family you could look at some price comparison websites to see where is selling the cheapest things or even look at some of the cash back websites.

Speak to the adults in the family and see if they agree to just buy the children gifts this year and this will keep everyone’s costs down.

Hope this helps

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Posts: 11890

You could try a 'christmas hat' for the adults - the sort of thing that happens at many workplaces, where you pull the name of an adult out of a hat and buy a single present for that person, up to a predefined maximum. The presents are given anonymously, and each adult gets one present.

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thanks for postings 🙂

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Posts: 2

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) is a registered charity offering free and confidential advice and support to anyone who is worried about any aspect of their finances. Sarah, Sue, Amanda, Matthew and Alan are a dedicated team of debt counsellors who are waiting to answer any questions you have on debts, budgeting or general money advice.

There are a number of ways that the team can help give you advice, you can either:-

  1. Ask a question on the thread below and someone from CCCS will post a reply here, or join in for a general debt chat!
  2. Ask one of the team a question in private via their team inbox - CCCS Private Messages
  3. Visit Debt Remedy. Debt Remedy is a free, online facility where you can input details of your income, expenditure and debts. You will then be given advice tailored to your situation, and an advice booklet which you can print off. If you would like to visit Debt Remedy click here
(@CCCS Sue)
Joined: 16 years ago

Active Member
Posts: 9

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) is a registered charity offering free and confidential advice and support to anyone who is worried about any aspect of their finances. Sarah, Sue, Amanda, Matthew and Alan are a dedicated team of debt counsellors who are waiting to answer any questions you have on debts, budgeting or general money advice.

There are a number of ways that the team can help give you advice, you can either:-

  1. Ask a question on the thread below and someone from CCCS will post a reply here, or join in for a general debt chat!
  2. Visit Debt Remedy. Debt Remedy is a free, online facility where you can input details of your income, expenditure and debts. You will then be given advice tailored to your situation, and an advice booklet which you can print off. If you would like to visit Debt Remedy click here

Hi dads!

Just to remind you CCCS counsellors are here if you are struggling with debts and need some advice.

My colleague, Pavan and I are here to help 🙂

Sue and Pavan

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

In addition to the link at the top of this thread, the CCCS also have a blog which could be of interest to those needing help and advice with budgeting, money management as well as debt advice. It's CCCS blog


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