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[Solved] Wipe Your Own Bottom

New Member Guest

Our son is four and has recently started at a local school so he needs to learn how to wipe his own bottom.

Does anybody have any training tips? Thanks.

Posted : 26/10/2009 12:58 am
Estimable Member Registered

No - but with a 5 year old who refuses to do it himself i would also be interested to hear what people think. 😀

Posted : 26/10/2009 2:25 pm
New Member Guest

When I was doing some 'on the job training' (haha) with our son, I gave him a couple of tips. I told him;

(1) Two squares at a time (I don't have shares in Andrex Inc.)
(2) To look at the paper after wiping. If it's not clean, neither is your bottom.

A couple of weeks ago he came home from school and celebratedly reported that not only had he done a poo at school (which was a first), but that he had wiped his own bottom too, based on this advice.

We will see.

I don't remember anyone teaching me how to do it.
How do we know that we're not doing it wrong?

Posted : 27/10/2009 10:37 pm
Illustrious Member

How do we know that we're not doing it wrong?

Howling with laughter at this 😆

Posted : 28/10/2009 2:03 am
(@Harveys Dad)
Reputable Member Registered

When it comes to training kids just keep reminding them, wipe bums , wash hands and they will twig eventually . 😀 D

Using toddler wipes will make life easier to. Just make sure they only use one at a time coz more than that blocks the loo!! 🙄

Posted : 28/10/2009 3:03 pm
Honorable Member Registered

In addition to BigFish's tips I remember having to tell my middle boy to pull his trousers down before sitting on the loo seat 😮

and following on from "How do we know that we're not doing it wrong?"
I also taught the 2 square rationing of loo paper, and a couple of years ago my 20yr old daughter pointed out that her boyfriend used reams of paper (by winding it around and around his hand).

So I wonder - are there are other ways of wiping effectively ❓

Posted : 28/10/2009 11:18 pm
Illustrious Member

my 20yr old daughter pointed out that her boyfriend used reams of paper (by winding it around and around his hand).

I dread to ask this question, but how did she know? 😕

Posted : 29/10/2009 2:41 pm
(@Harveys Dad)
Reputable Member Registered

So we are now discussing effective wiping technics 😯 😯 😯 😆

Man who said fatherhood was dull 😉

Posted : 29/10/2009 4:42 pm
Honorable Member Registered

😀 lol:
It was because our bathroom loo roll started suddenly diminishing at a startling rate. And I guess over time she started to work out that it was immediately after he 'visited' the loo. She asked him about the 'disappearance' of loo roll and they discussed the mechanics of using loo roll.

Posted : 29/10/2009 5:49 pm
Illustrious Member

I'm glad that was the answer you gave. However, having known my wife now for 8 years, that's still a conversation I've never had, and hopefully never will 😆

I was having a conversation a couple of days ago with her about women's anatomy - I told her that in general, the workings of womens bodies are a complete mystery to men. Or is that just me ❓

Posted : 29/10/2009 6:33 pm
Honorable Member Registered

Good point!! I have occasionally thougth I understood bits, but not for long. I have trained myself to try to show my interest in her needs, but without getting too deep in the details.
I am currently skating around the edges of menopause. oops, peri-menopause (because i have been snapped at with "...its not the menopause").

Posted : 29/10/2009 7:07 pm

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