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[Solved] Parental Leave

(@Super Mario)
Noble Member Registered

I saw this article in the Independent and thought it was worth posting - it is probably more apt in the current economic climate but is it right?

I thought some of the stats are interesting ie two out of five men are too afraid to ask for flexible working - what do you think?

Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2009 2:16 am
New Member Guest

I took two weeks paternity leave without giving it a second thought (well, apart from the money) and I still would now.

I also went part-time but that was nearly three years ago. I think I'd still ask for it, if it was happening now but I'm not sure I'd get it.

Posted : 27/10/2009 9:58 pm
(@john man)
Active Member Registered

The thing i dont understand about paternity/maternity is that most companies pay women a full salary while on maternity but those same companies only offer the statutory amount from the goverment for men. In my opinion its a hollow gesture as they know most families cant afford to lose nearly two weeks money if men take their full two week entitlement. I took my full two weeks but i wasnt allowed to take it when i wanted due to work comitments (it was 6 weeks after the birth) and i was made to feel pretty bad about it.

Posted : 28/10/2009 5:25 pm
Illustrious Member

Can remember if I've expressed it on here, but surely the sensible thing is to allocate, say, 6 months leave per child (well apart from a few weeks off to actually give birth and recouperate), and that can be split between the parents however they chose, and when, within the first year.

Posted : 28/10/2009 6:44 pm

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