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[Solved] In a bit of a difficult situation

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I'm just struggling a bit with the circumstances I'm been put in my ex I was with for 6 years on and off had some really good times but also been to [censored] and back I had a daughter and son with her about 3 years into the relationship we split up she got with someone else was involved in drugs and stuff I didn't see my kids for a year and half or see her in that time till 1 day I got a phone call saying she has had my children removed from her care long story short I got back with her after this happened and had to go through courts and everything fighting to have them returned it didn't work out and the courts basically forced them into adoption as they seen that as the best thing for my children. We still remained together through all that and I ended up getting her pregnant again so my son was born in December 2016 things were ok a little but my ex suffers from depression and anxiety and a personality disorders she always seems to want to fight against me not trust me always accuse me of cheating or saying things about me that are not true I have been in full time work trying to do the best I can do now about 3 weeks ago I left to go to work so I woke her up to look after our son while on the way to work I get a phone call from my neighbour saying my son is at the bottom of the stairs screaming so I rushed home to find him he had climbed over the stair gate and fell down the stairs my ex was still fast asleep police ended up coming then social worker I took my son to the hospital to make sure he was ok fortunately he was fine now my ex has left the property and i have been advised not to let her back or I will probably end up in a court battle again and risk losing my son and also had to sign something to say I would not leave my son unsupervised with my ex the social worker is really happy with my parenting towards my son and her only concern is that I will get back with my ex that for sure ain't going to happen with the threat of court action if I did what I'm having a problem with though is how can I still let my ex see our son when she is not allowed unsupervised contact with him inless I'm present well I'm finding this really difficult as I still obviously love my ex even through all the problems I cant just let go of feelings but the more I am having to see her the more contact I'm having with her like I feel I need to be away from her

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Hi There,

Would you have any family or friends that could supervise her time with your son, as this would be the best option so that you don't need to have contact during this time.

It's hard as you must feel torn between loving her and not wanting to be with her because of your son.


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No my family are all 350 mile away I do have a bit of friends support we're I am and my ex don't have any family here either other then her sister and social worker has said that she ain't suitable and it's just hard for me having to be around her when I still really would like to be with her and have that happy family but after 6 years of trying already lost 2 of my other children staying in that relationship I realise that there is no way I can ever go back to it that's why I would like to stay away and not really have any contact with my ex I think tomorrow I will have a chat with social worker about it and see what advice she can give to me

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Also like my son keeps me going all day which gives me the ability to block everything else out but when he sleeps that's when my emotions come out more not been use to this lonliness

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I would see if there is any way that SS will allow you to continue a relationship with the mother if you do actually want to do that. I was thinking along the lines of getting a babysitter in on occasions so you can go out for a date with her, but with the understanding that she can't come back to the house. It is a bit of a long shot, but you need to be clear in what your feelings are so you can then make a decision on where you want to go next.

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