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[Solved] I need help AND hope!!!

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Illustrious Member


At the moment, you are grieving and angry - the first is not unusual at the end of a relationship, but the anger could get you into serious trouble if you let it get the better of you, and it will seriously affect the relationship you have with your child, and possibly prevent you having a relationship at all if unchecked.

I know this sounds like bit too simple, but you do need to find a harmless way to vent your anger and move on with your life - it could be joining a group so you can talk to others who have been through a similar situation, or getting a hobby to give you an outlet (boxing perhaps?)
At the top of this website, there's a tab for 'Directory of Services' - it may be worth having a look through these to see if there's anything you think can help.

Posted : 28/09/2011 1:27 am
Eminent Member Registered

My kid was born on friday 🙂

I was meant to see him yesterday, but she said he was up all night & i could'nt see him & that i'll see him some day this week.

On friday, she text me 10 hours after he was born, & during that time his pic was all over facebook so everyone seen him before his daddy did, & i was obviously last to know....there is nothing i can do about it, so no point letting this annoy me.

I text her this morning & said i was coming to her house to see him cos he is 4 days old & needs to meet his daddy. She phoned straight away & said that i wasn't welcome at her house & that she told me this before. I told her im not coming to see her or her mum or anyone else, but that i was coming to see my son. She told me i would see him some day this week, i asked her what day & she said she didn't know.

I re-activated my facebook last night & put it as my status cos he is here now & she can no longer control my actions (oh, she told me on friday she would "prefer if i didn't" put it on facebook) [censored] her, he is my child, & i will tell who i like.

She also didn't mind telling me this morning that i was "just a sperm donor" & this is from a girl i loved more than i know first hand that those you love will hurt you the most.

Apparantly she isnt back with that other guy & that he's just a friend...i couldn't give a [censored] anyway...i dont want her after everything she has put me through.

If i dont see him this week & she makes more excuses, im going through court.

I've had my hands tied for too long now & im sick of her [censored].

Topic starter Posted : 11/10/2011 1:20 am
Illustrious Member

Hi Sean

Keep a diary of every conversation you have, and keep every text (or transcribe it, along with time and date). If you are going to court, you are going to have to be careful what you say, so don't under any circumstances, say anything on facebook, text, phone or any other way that you wouldn't be happy coming out in court. The more rational you are, and the more unreasonable your ex seems, the easier it's going to be for you in court. Your ex almost certainly knows what buttons to push to get you angry - take a step back and consider what's important and don't let her get to you.

Posted : 11/10/2011 1:56 am
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