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[Solved] 4th child on the way!

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Eminent Member Registered

Hi There

Mid thirties with my 4th child on the way, a bit of a surprise. You'd think this would be old hat for me but for some reason I'm really nervous.

I look after my kids full time and work at weekends in a good well paying job. I do the school and nursery run and have my 2 year old with me all the time, however by August i'll be getting some time to myself as they'll all be attending school or nursery. number 4 due in November. I know what you're thinking, why didn't I get the snip, well in my view that's a joint decision and my wife wasn't ready, also I don't think i was ready either.

I'm looking for some re-assurance that I'm not the only one out there with 4 children??
I'm looking for someone to agree that it will be fantastic in the long run as I'll be surrounded by all my kids and grandkids when i can no longer make it to the toilet on time?? 😀
Just looking for some encouragement rather than advice....believe me, when you've had three kids, you've been through most of it.

My Best


Topic starter Posted : 27/02/2011 2:44 am
Reputable Member Registered

Hi mate, you could probably guess by my username how may kids I have!! (you can't steal my username in Nov!!).

I know this sounds weird but its amazing how the extra child just 'fits in'. You'll probably find your capacity will just grow. Its hard of course but if you can cope with 3, you can cope with 4.

Certain practical things may change, ie you may need a bigger car, its more expensive to go on holiday etc, but emotionally I haven't found it too much harder. Obviously it would be easier staying at 3 kids, just like it would be easier having no kids at all, but please don't be too apprehensive. You'll be fine.

FYI I have 3 girls and 1 boy. 13yrs girl, 12 yrs girl, 5 yrs boy, 3 yrs girl. Although they were all planned (except the 1st when we'd only been married 6 weeks!), it was a shock to start having babies again when the first 2 were 8 and 7yrs but we soon got into the swing of it again.

Keep us updated.

Posted : 27/02/2011 1:17 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Hey, Thanks for the reply and I'm really greatful for your encouragement.

I always used to say to people who were making the jump from 2 to 3 children that, if you can handle 2 you'll easily manage 3. I never thought i'd be applying that same logic to a fourth child but you know what, you're right a fourth child will fit right in with the family unit.

We've already got a gas guzzler Zafira so we won't need to replace the car but we may need a bigger house as we already struggle for space at the moment.

When the new baby arrives his/her three brothers will be aged 7, 5 and 3 so it'll be good that they'll be out of the house at school most of the day.

There's all sorts of things to think about and most evenings are spent talking about the future at the moment (probably need to stop worrying).

As for stealing you're username....well who knows, we could be having twins. 😯

Thanks again for your kind reply.


Topic starter Posted : 27/02/2011 2:18 pm
New Member Registered

I'm looking for some re-assurance that I'm not the only one out there with 4 children??

Wish I could do that - but I have 7.

There is nothing wrong with having children. And the more you have the easier it does become.

Andrew R.

Posted : 01/03/2011 4:29 pm
(@Harveys Dad)
Reputable Member Registered

Hi AndrewR

7 kids wowzer! Would love to know what skills/tips etc you have learnt around subjects such as life balance stuff and how to engage with each kid. I'm sure you have some gems of wisdom to share with us.

Posted : 01/03/2011 5:18 pm
Noble Member Registered

7 kids - lol

what are their ages ?

Posted : 01/03/2011 6:00 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Still on our 1st so cant comment on being a dad of mulitple kids but can say Im one of 6 children myself. And what a great time we had growing up, ableit a very crazy house but always fun and always someone to talk to and play with.
Not sure if Im brave enough to match the number maybe just one more but I can imagine all your houses years down the life full of kids/ grandkids. Makes more very tempting.

Good luck with it all.

Posted : 04/03/2011 9:32 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Still on our 1st so cant comment on being a dad of mulitple kids but can say Im one of 6 children myself. And what a great time we had growing up, ableit a very crazy house but always fun and always someone to talk to and play with.
Not sure if Im brave enough to match the number maybe just one more but I can imagine all your houses years down the life full of kids/ grandkids. Makes more very tempting.

Good luck with it all.

Hi There

Thanks for your reply. I think its gonna be great although it will also be very tough to spread love and attention between everyone and still find time to be with my wife.

Its been a few days since i wrote my original post, i've now told close family which is always slightly cheesy but i've managed to consolidate all of my thoughts about a fourth child and i'm really looking forward to it.

I come from a family of just two children so this will be really new to me but already all my kids are good friends, they're all quite close together in terms of age so it should be a fun filled house like you describe.

The next big subject is my impending visit to the GP for a referral to the person with the snippers!! 😯

Thanks again!

Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2011 1:38 am
Noble Member Registered

The next big subject is my impending visit to the GP for a referral to the person with the snippers!!

You may be interested in this thread then.

I have said it many times before - Ouch


Posted : 05/03/2011 1:55 am
Reputable Member Registered

Mine was totally pain free. The worst part was the chaffing as the hair grew back!!

That reminds me, Goonerplum, post a link to that story you read the other day about the deck chair and the trapped plumbs!

Posted : 05/03/2011 3:30 am
Illustrious Member

Hey D23 - just thought I'd say that I think your Avatar is brilliant 😀

Posted : 23/03/2011 2:34 am
Active Member Registered

I just wanted to say congrats! and good luck!!

Posted : 23/03/2011 7:41 pm
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