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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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can anyone please guide me what will happen in fact finding hearing

my ex put lot of false DV allegations and i did not seen my children for lost 4 months
in last court hearing i have sumbit the response to the scot schedule and also make my first statement
applicant did not provide any evidence with the scot schedule and i request the court to allow contact with my children which was refused

court asked me and applicant to provide the witness statements with in 3 -4 weeks and then court will decide when will be the fact finding hearing and for how many days it will be .. this process is very stress full and my children might be suffering.

i do not have any solicitor or any thing so if some one can guide me .. there will be cross examination and i don,t have any money and not allowed any legal aid


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Hi. I've got my 3 day fact finding hearing tomorrow.. I know I've got a load of sh.. Being thrown at me. My wife at the last hearing 2 weeks ago, even made another allegation.. So she's now got her older daughter and her friend to come to the court and be cross examined all lies.. Like you, my ex alleged lots of DV, against me
All dropped by the police last December. So I will take what they are going to throw at me. I'm doing all this, as I love and miss my children..


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