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20 Year Debt Allega...
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[Solved] 20 Year Debt Allegation

New Member Registered

I need urgent advice if anyone can help? The CSA are closing their computer system and are alleging I owe them £10000 for a debt dating back to 1993. I have written over 10 letters to them and made phone calls to explain that I paid my ex direct. They contacted her for verification of this and she has told them the debt is still outstanding! The CSA have asked me for proof of payments which I have tried to obtain but my bank at the time does not keep records dating that far back. I have obtained the CSA records under the FOI act and they clearly show the account being closed down by my ex in 1997. The CSA however believe the debt is collectible. I completely dispute the debt but the CSA have now issued a payment order to my employer and taking large payments from this month. I feel completely helpless and have called the CSA again tonight who simply repeat that it's down to me to show prof of payments. I have also asked them why it has taken them 20 years to pursue this alleged debt? Answer was, it's down to me to provide the evidence! But I can't. Any help please will be gratefully received.

Topic starter Posted : 14/11/2017 1:44 am
Famed Member


I think you need to contact your local CAB or MP straight away as they should be able to help you deal with these CSA claims and you will need a referral from them if you intend to take this to the ombudsman.

They are a law unto themselves unfortunately. Get some help quickly as this isn't a battle you can fight on your own.

Posted : 14/11/2017 2:01 pm

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