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Worried about my so...
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[Solved] Worried about my son's health

Posts: 316
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Joined: 13 years ago

Hi Folks

I have an 11 year old son who always seems to be ‘poorly’ in health. He suffers from asthma but that is under control. However, every few days he either has an upset stomach, or high temperature, a cough, or a headache. As a consequence of this, he is missing a lot of school.

Initially, I used to think that his illnesses were not that serious and it was just an excuse not to go to school. However, upon speaking to the school and my son, it seems he does not have any problems in school, and so his different illnesses every now and again, seem to be genuine. On top of that, he does not eat much and never seems to be hungry. As a result of this, he is very skinny in relation to his height – he is 5 foot 1 inch.

I have approached the family doctor on a number of occasions regarding the above, who always seems to say that it is just one of those things – he is growing up and kids pick up germs from each other.

However, I was wondering if I should have a second opinion. Do you think I should approach a specialist to discuss my son’s health in greater detail? If I do take this route, is it my family doctor who needs to refer me to a specialist?

Thanks in advance for any advice offered.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

As far as I know, you need to be referred to a specialist via your GP - however, there's nothing to stop you going back to your GP and saying you'd like him to refer you, your GP shouldn't object to this - may at least be worth some blood tests.

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Posts: 316

Thaanks actd

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Posts: 19

My daughter used to have a range similar to your son's. The GP was very helpful and even suggested blood tests.

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Posts: 2

Hi, new member here,

My kids have suffered similarly over a fourteen week period ever since we all contracted "winter vomiting disease" or norovirus, having already used antibiotics to try and rid our systems (which is something I do not like to do). for fourteen weeks my son and daughter were sent home on numerous occasions, under the 48 hour rule this meant they were losing two days a week schooling on average. this bug in its most mild form lingers in the system suppressing appetite, inducing weakness and debilitating stomach upsets. I was given this simple treatment and for us it worked, we all ate 500ml of live cultured yoghurt, this is available readily from Indian / Pakistani food stores usually its 4 x 500 ml pots for a £1 rather than £1- £1.25 a 500 ml pot from supermarkets, getting a ten and seven year old to eat live yoghurt on a daily basis was not easy, but thee are several ways to sweeten it up, slice a banana (any fruit will do) into it and break up a Cadburys flake or twirl over it, personally my favourite is a tablespoon full of honey drizzled all over the surface, another nice way is to make Lassi a lovely breakfast or refreshment drink. to do this gently dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar in 1 litre of warm milk let this cool till it is tepid over a low heat when sugar has dissolved (be patient and stir) add 250ml of live yoghurt to the mixture, pour into a four pint milk bottle loosely close the top and refrigerate for 24 hours then drink a glass a day. provided your son is not dairy intolerant regarding his eczema this will help restore a healthy balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract. I hope this is of some use for you both.

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Posts: 316

Thanks maddadchris

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

If it was norovirus (and certainly sounds like it), what was your GP doing giving you antibiotics - totally ineffective against viral infections shouldn't have been used.

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Posts: 316

Good morning actd

My son has recovered now and going back to school as normal - although it is on Easter break now.

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Posts: 1

New guy here as well.
I agree with MadDadChris. There could be a diet issue. I used to be the same way and my weight would go up and down and tired all of the time, sick to my stomach, all of that good stuff. I went to many specialists and could not get a proper answer. I researched on my own and removed wheat products from my diet and flipped a complete 180 and life is good. If there are not any stressful things going on I would look into a gluten sensitivity.
I know I sound crazy but I know what worked for me and many others. My entire family made this lifestyle change and everyone could tell a difference in how their body reacted.

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Posts: 316

Thanks NaturallyDad

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hi ND - I've heard a few people saying that recently so it's not so crazy after all 🙂

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Eminent Member
Posts: 24

Morning Geek84,

How is your son today?

My advice would be to definitely seek a second opinion. If your GP surgery has a number of doctors, ask to see a Pediatrician.

Do not worry about being a persistent parent. A parent knows their child best, this is what we get taught as family/ medical practitioners.

Keep us posted.

I hope you remember to keep well too.


Joined: 13 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 316

Hi Folks

I've seen 2 different doctors sitting at the same practice, and the school nurse, but they seem to be saying the same thing - it is in his genes, he is designed to be skinny, and nothing to worry about. Everyone is relecutant to refer me to a specialist.

Can you please advice if I should insist on seeing a specialist or just wait for a few years & hope my son improves with age? He is 12 at the moment.



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