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Most Addictive Drug...
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[Solved] Most Addictive Drugs

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Parents desire is to gather most of the information about the type of drugs, and their symptoms, effects in detailed to make them aware of various addictions. As today most of the teenagers are affected to drugs, each and every parent is
looking for a support which makes them under more about the addictions. Generally addiction is based on a difficult blend of natural, communal, and mental factors, and different people are haggard to dissimilar drugs for a whole host of reasons.

One person may get enthusiastic on the first few times he uses it, because it helps him calm down and relax, while another person may have no interest in the high Marijuana produces, choosing to turn instead to methamphetamine or speed.In spite of the difficulty in determining which drugs are the most addictive, field of the countrywide Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of California at San Francisco attempted to defined the most addictive drugs by ranking six psychoactive substances on the five criteria they found most appropriate to addiction:

Removal - The harshness of extraction symptoms shaped by stopping the use of the drug.

Strengthening - The drugs bent to persuade users to take it over and over again.

Broadmindedness - The users need to have ever-increasing doses of the drug to get the same effect.

Reliance - The difficulty in quit, or staying off the drug, more often than not measured by the number of users who finally become dependent.

Intoxication - The degree of intoxication produced by the drug in typical use.

Based on the level of confidence, the most common calculate for determining the addictiveness of a drug, the substances ranked as follows, from most to least addictive: Nicotine, Heroin, Cocaine, Alcohol, Caffeine, Marijuana

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Reputable Member
Posts: 213

Do you have the reference or a link to the page on the Universities website or something so we can read it ourselves...?

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Estimable Member
Posts: 119

Someone told me years ago that nicotine was more addictive than Heroin,tbh I scoffed at the thought,I believe it is now but still find it quite shocking.

I would think most people would know that Heroin and Cocaine/Crack are the most addictive drugs(I don't really cosider Nicotine a drug).

After clicking on the link about Rehabs,I feel that there should be more rehabs that are free for people who really do want to get clean but can't afford to pay for rehab treatment.

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Illustrious Member
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I remember seeing a bottle of nicotine in the chemistry lab in my school days. Colourless and odourless as far as I recall, and the chemistry teacher told us it was absorbed through the skin (this was a long, long time before nicotine patches were available). I don't think that it adds anything to the 'taste' of the cigarettes, so could be removed. I assume the only reason for its presence in cigarettes is to keep people addicted.

Alcohol and cigarettes are very bad drugs, in my opinion, not because they are so addictive, but because society tolerates (or even encourages) them rather than making them illegal like 'normal' drugs.

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Posts: 2

My organisation is running a free information evening for parents worried about their children's club drug use. September 5, London. Check out the day below!


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