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Is alcohol a danger...
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[Solved] Is alcohol a dangerous drug?

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Is alcohol a dangeorus drug? , I know first hand how it can kill a persons life and it's done quite some damage to me, I've drink 80+ units a night which is over 3 times the weekly recommended dose. It's a [censored] and very damaging to your health and people around you. If it was a newly discovered drug it would be illegal imo. Still, most drugs are reasonably safe in moderation.

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Moderation is the key, isn't it. But how do we teach ourselves and our kids moderation?

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Ah yes... it's dangerous. You're right. Just thinking though...

I'm sure there are ways in which water can kill you too, but I don't think I'll be giving that up just yet

Does anybody know of a type of death that isn't severe? 😕

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Hey, is this thread turning into a directory of drug rehab sites or something?

I'm still unsure about those non-severe types of death, though... 😕

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People take all sorts of drugs for medical purposes. They are however given these in moderation and to a set regime. People get into trouble when they start to overdose on these, so again, as you say, it's about moderation. But surely it's how they make you feel when you take them i.e. what it does to you mind and body, else you wouldn't digress from your normal intake. Yes people can die by consuming to much water, but few are addicted to its consumption. Why do people overdose, get addicted to drugs/medication? I guess, because it makes them feel better, lets them escape from something; I don't know, I'm not an expert! But if that is true and alcohol helps people escape, lose their inhibition, their problems etc. changes the way they normally think, react etc. then yes it can be dangerous, by its effect it encourages/tempts people passed the recommended intake.

As a parent is it not right to educate your kids, to show them the moderation by being an example; but also talking to them, helping them to understand the dangers. Helping your kids not to be scared of alcohol, but giving them a balanced judgement on confronting the dangers as well as enjoying the recommended intake, must surely be beneficial?

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Illustrious Member
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Alcohol is definitely dangerous if misused. In moderation, there is evidence that it is beneficial - a glass of wine with a meal, for instance. The problem is that the body becomes acclimatised to low levels of use, so you need to take increased levels to get the same effect, and this is where the danger of addiction comes, as with any drug. The key is being able to control the drug (not just saying that, but actually doing it) and not letting it control you.

(@JJ now saved)
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Hi people, is alcohol a dangerous drug?

Well we all know where alcohol can lead, and will lean if left un-respected alcohol WILL destroy.
Working amongst young people I see what alcohol does to a lot of young lives, its dangerous when you
can no longer control it, because it controls you.


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Of course it is a dangerous one... you can in better call it as a lethal one.
It is not that no one should taste it or have it but to an extent or to certain limit.
Nothing is wrong if it is below the limits.

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I also have seen how harmfull alcohol can be ... some of my best friends have been in rehab more than once for alcohol addiction ... and this before they have even reached the age of 25 ! For once, (i cant beleive im saying this!) I am actually in agreement with the goverment, who yesterday said that they plan on putting a minimum amount per unit, and getting rid of the "all you can drink" promotions. In answer to your question - is it a dangerous drug? I would 100% say yes, if mis-used.

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Illustrious Member
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I agree with the minimum price per unit - I don't think it would affect the moderate drinkers as, I would guess, that they are drinking the stuff that is more expensive per unit anyway. It would stop the happy hour prices, and the stupidly cheap 2 litres of cider etc.

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I think we have a responsibility with our kids on alcohol and drugs - and of course cigarettes!!

They need to understand what the risks are however it should not be a taboo subject because that would glamourise them. I have told them at 18 they can make their own choices but they will by then be aware of the danger of addiction. I only hope that they are sensible enough to make the right choice and I am brave enough to let them!!!

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The effects of alcohol are dangerous it can make the most ordinary person act rediculous.Ive done many things i regret whilst under the influence of alcohol and i only drink every few months or so.


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