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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Cafcass ( massive i...
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[Solved] Cafcass ( massive issue)

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Posts: 42
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Mojo ,
Thank you for your answer
Why you not agree with the cafcass officer ??
Do I have the right to say to the court or cafcass I don't want to take this course ??
Or should I say I am happy to take this course ??
I don't really know
I didn't wish to go through this course and wait another 6 month,
I felt cafcass wanted to help really but this was her recommendation ,
Do I have to agree with it ??
Or is there any thing I can mention to them?
Cafcass officer told me that she will inform my ex that in the future I will be seeing my son unsupervised ,
And moving contact from supervised contact to supported contact do you Think it's positive and little step forward ????
Is there anything I can do ??
I really don't know if I have to accept what cafcass telling me about what she will write at her report or I can disagree with her??
Do you have any idea what should j do ???

Thank you again

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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

I said I didn’t completely agree...I can see what the Cafcass officer is trying to do, but I think it’s a bit hard on you. I think because the judge found against you, she is trying to balance this with trying to move things forward.

Of course you can tell the court that you’re not happy with the findings, but they may see that as you not accepting the judges findings and not wanting to work with them... as I said you’re in a difficult situation.

Moving contact from supervised to supported is a step forward and going in the right direction, I understand that you feel it is unfair that you have to wait another 6months, but if you refuse it could be a lot longer. It is impossible to predict what might happen, or what the court will decide.

I think the best thing you can do is to put forward good reasons why you think contact can be moved forward, the actions you have already taken to put things right and the fact that the report is positive about your relationship with your son and how you wish to work hard on that. That you feel a 6 month course would slow this down and not be in the interests of your child.

However if it comes down to it and the court orders this course to happen, you will have to comply to move it forward, it’s just going to take more time to get to where you want it to be.

All the best

Posts: 42
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I think the best thing you can do is to put forward good reasons why you think contact can be moved forward,

How to put those good reason??
In a statement and file it to the judge after receiving s7 report and before my next hearing??
Or I should just speak up with the judge during the hearing and tell him my reasons??

What is the best option?

I really have a feeling that cafcass officer wants to help me alot and wants to move contact forward ,
Do I have to beleive them and trust what they are saying ?
Because she told me that she will tell my ex that contact will be unsupervised in the future but my ex needs time to accept that and trust me,

Will this course sound really badone in the future if I take it ??
Or actually will somthing good to have it ?

I don't know what is their point by taking the course she said ( you will learn about controlling and about making decisions)
I am not with my ex anymore so why that will matter to learn about controlling and making decisions when my ex wife concern is flight risk ?
I can't really understand,
To learn from what happened in the past?? But how will that benefit me and my son in the future ??
Do you have any idea mojo??

Thank you so much for your help mojo

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Once you have the report, you can email the court and ask them for permission to file a response to it. Hopefully they would agree.

You can also write your points down and when you are asked if theres anything you would like to say, you can read it out and explain that you e written your response down because you are nervous and don't want to forget anything.

It not possible for me to tell you what to do, I don't know all the details of your case and I'm not legally trained, I can just give you basic advice and try and support you, but the decisions must be yours.

If you have worries about the course, talk to the Cafcass officer about it, ask her if taking the course would effect things in the future.

At the end of the day, if the court orders that you must attend the course, it's what you will have to do to make the contact with your child move forward.

We have had members in the past that have had to take the course, when they have not done the things that their ex said, but like you the judge believed the ex.

Try not to worry about the things you can't change, and concentrate on putting forward the best case that you can. Worrying about the future won't change it, but it will make it even harder for you right now.

All the best

Posts: 42
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Joined: 7 years ago

Thank you so much mojo ,
Cafcass told me don't worry about the name of the course just think about it as this course will move the contact forward between you and your son so I don't think really that will be any harm having the course ,
Because not having the course will show that I am not working with them as you said before,
After the course my ex will not have any excuse why contact can't be unsupervised.
Cafcass said after 3 month of the course I will review it and I will make an assessment to see if contact arrangement needs to be changed or increased ,
My question is during the course or after the course do they give us exams and we have to pass it or how they will review it with me ?
How will they understand I made any progress at the course or not,
Because she told me if o made progress after the course or half way the contact will increase,
Any one have this course can give me any advice please.
Or you mojo know how it works??
Thank you so much for your help I do appreciate it .

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