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Cafcass ( massive i...
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[Solved] Cafcass ( massive issue)

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Posts: 8551
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Joined: 12 years ago

I think it may be possible to contact UK customs and have some kind of stop put on your son leaving the country. You could give them a call and ask about it.

I think if you can reassure the court about the flight risk, they’re much more likely to want to progress contact. Hopefully you will get a good report from the contact centre and the court will agree to contact happening unsupervised after a short period of time.

It would be a good idea to prepare a schedule of increasing contact, starting off with half days once or twice a week, increasing to full days after a few weeks, and then perhaps a full day and an overnight a few weeks after that. If that goes well it’s not unreasonable to ask for a full weekend and a midweek visit too.

Once contact has been increased to a full weekend, the court may want weekends to be every two weeks, but it’s usual for a midweek contact to be introduced at that point, sometimes that could be an overnight stay.

All the best

Posts: 42
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Thank you again Mojo

I think the court really should know who to contact to put a stop on my son leaving the county or stop him leaving the country with me for example,
I hope it's a possible thing and it can happen because i don't know if it's my responsibility to keep looking what I should do to prevent myself from taking my son abroad.
I have done my embassy side And my embassy confirmed they will not issue passport for my son without court permission.
I don't know what else I have to do to reassure the court really.
I hope they can see that Iam ready to do anything to reassure them that I will not take him as his mother allegation.

I have seen reports from contact centre for every session and I also asked cafcass to see them ,
I think reports are fine and they are good, I hope cafcass and the court will think so because nothing wrong with the reports but i don't know what they are looking at when they read the report.
I will be seeing my son with cafcass the week after meeting with them also.
And it was me actually who asked cafcass to ask for the contact centre reports to read them as that might help them to make recommendation to move contact forward.

I think your schedule sound reasonable ,
I will ask for that.
And if they can't agree I will suggest someone can come with us to my house ,
Someone from her family or so and spend night with us I have no problem so they can be sure I will not take him.
What do you Think mate ???

I really hope cafcass and the court will beleive me?
And if they did beleive me but the mother still insist to supervised contact , what will be the court decision?
Follow her or they can go against her wishes?

Thank you so much for everyone here ,

This website made me feel Iam not alone as I have been alone for nearly a year now.

Posts: 42
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Hello guys,

Had my metting with cafcass ,

It's really hard to rate it to say if it was good or not,

She just asked me tell her the whole story how did you meet your ex and how did you get separated and what happened ,
It's all was written in statement anyway but she didn't get it from the court so I had to tell her the whole story again,
She even asked me about 2 allegations my ex said about throwing somthing infront of our son when I was angry and also shouting with her dad which I said this didn't happen and I said it didn't happen and explained it fully in my statement.

I explained that I know the judge said that I left our son with my parents abroad without my ex consent but i don't know if I have to accept this or I have to keep saying noo because for me we agreed about leaving our son abroad with my parents for a short while but i couldn't prove it,
And even if I left my son without my ex consent that doesn't mean I will abduct him, Because this didn't happen and judge said it was not planned,
I told her I don't think we have to keep talking about the past now we have a problem and we need to solve it.

I asked her Do you know what is the problem ??
She said yes ( flight risk) and then she said your ex doesn't have any concerns how you care about your son or how you look after him or worried about anything from this way but the only problem is flight risk she is worried that you will take him abroad be issuing a new passport with his second nationality and will never be back again And she wants the contact to be supervised all the time.

Then I said we have to solve this problem first and if we can solve it then everyone will be happy.
And then I gave her a copy of the emails between me and my embassy suggesting that the embassy will honour and obey any court order restricting me from applying for passport for my son.
And also that iam ready to write a stamenet asking the embassy not issue me a passport for my son and if I did they have to call the court and inform them straight away.
I also suggest that a prohibited steps order can be made against me not to issue a passport for my son with his second nationality or British passport and not take him abroad,
And a copy of this order can be sent to all airports to put it on their data base which I don't know if it's possible or not and the cafcass officer she didn't even know .

This was my suggestion so the court and my ex can trust that I will not take my son outside the courty,
From my side nothing else I can do,

Then she started to ask me some question about my son ,
Like what his day like?
What food he likes?
How will you deal with his tantrums?
I explained to her that when we were married I had to changed my job and work 4 full days and be with him 3 full days while my ex was at work and showed her some photos together and video while I was feeding him last year,she wrote somthing on her computer when she saw the video tho,
She asked me what you used to do when you both are together at home ?
I explained our day like waking up changing his nappies then put him in his high chair and give him breakfast and then depend on weather we can go for a walk around the house with the dog or we just stay in the house playing then he will have his afternoon nap and when he wakes up he ask for his lunch then i feed him and if he is in good mood then I cook for my wife and make food ready for her when she come back from work then we eat straightaway,

She asked about religions aswell,
She asked so many questions I honestly cant remember every thing as it was 3 hours meeting ,
It was 1 your longer than it should be ,

Ya I forgot somthing ( my son receives medical treatment)( life condition)
I told her I will not risk his life and take him abroad when he gets a better medical treatment here in the UK then she said what if he is not sick will you take him???
I said no of course because I beleive that every child has the right to have his mother and I will never take him from his mother and I hope my ex is thinking the same thing because every child should have his father aswell.

I explained that Iam ready to do anything to be with my son and just looking for his best interest ,
And also explained that I live in a big house with just my friend who is the landlord and that I have a big garden and spare room that my son benefit from it as he lives in flat with his mum,

She then asked me what is my proposals??
I said I want fair and equal contact ,
But we can start it abit by bit,
We can start half days twice a week and then few weeks after will have full days and then staying over night,
And if my son is feeling better and he is happy with it I would love if I can have him 3 days a week as I used to do in the past ,
I do have everything that enable me to look after my son so I hope i can have him 3 days a week.

This is all what I can remember really but we talked alot about everything I can't say if she was with me or against me but by the end I told her ( This report will effect on my life please just do what is good for my son and what is in his best interest )
Iam not asking you to be with me or be against my ex Iam asking you to do what is in our son best interest.

She said I'm not with either side I will hear from both of you and will do what is in your son best interest.

I have a second meeting with cafcass next week but this time will be with my son ,

She said she will see my ex and my son first for 30 minutes and she will see him with ke for 1 hour and again with his mum for 30 minutes,
Which I can't understand why she dividing it this way??

What do you Think guys from the interview that last for 3 hours ,??
Good or bad or you can't tell ??

And any advice please what cafcass office will be looking for while I am spending 1 hour withmy son??

Thank you in advance

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

a 3 hour interview sounds good. It means she was interested in taking the time to get your side, not just box-ticking and having pre-conceived ideas.

Posts: 42
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I hope so ,
We started 10 o'clock and we should finish by 12 she said but we finished 12:50 so it was almost 3 hours .

I really hope I will get a good report after her seeing me with my son next week .

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