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Non mol from ex and...
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[Solved] Non mol from ex and child

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(@Dad in need)
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I have recieved an non mol against me.
The mother has claimed domestic abuse, controlling her and generally bullying her.
Which are all false. I have hundreds of messages where she is being abusive towards me with little to reply back to her.

She has turned me against my own family by constantly slagging them off. For the last 3.5 years I have just bowed down to her and she has done what she pleases.
I have struggled with my mental health last 2 years due to her and she has texts to myself probing me about it and putting more [censored] on me, but I have always blamed other things rather than her the real reason.

I wasnt allowed to take my child to be around my family as she didnt like them.

She claims my 4 year old son is scared of me and has got social service involved when leaving the home.

My 4 year old son made an allegation of assult against me when she was supposedly out one night which never happened and it is her putting it in his head. I was interviewed under caution by an officer and no further action was issued.

What can I expect at the non mol hearing and the road ahead, and any general advice would be appreciated?

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Hi Dad in need. I've had the same issue. My wife took out a non molestation order against me. She alledged DV and made even more horrendous allegations against me. I was under police investigation for 6 months. The police have NFAd All her allegations against me. I contested my non molestation order. I have a 3 day fact finding hearing last 3 days of this month. If you are innocent then I would definitely contest it. Be aware though that, she will step up the attack on you. My wife certainly has. Mine did as she admitted her cheating on me again. It's not nice all this, I've not seen my children in 7 months now. All due to her lies. I'm fighting for them in the court. Have you a Barrister? I wouldn't bother wasting money on solicitors.. Good luck, and fight for your Son...

Posts: 2
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(@Dad in need)
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Thanks for the reply Devo.

I have hot a solicitor who has been highly recommended.
I am going to contest the non mol order.
What's the difference between barrister and solicitor?

I have no doubt she will up her game from the original statement she issued to court.

I think she has been planning this for a long time. She is a narcissist and will do what ever she can to stop me seeing my son.

I didnt go into full details of the hole relationship and the circumstances leading up to the break in my interview for alleged assult on my son.
I take it that the statement I made in there could be used in this case? Will not disclosing everything on that statement jeopardise this case.

What can you tell me about the 3 day fact finding?

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The family courts deal mainly in facts documented and evidence. Its down to your ex to prove what you are been accused of .
I cant say how its going to go as I don't know what allegations she has raised. normally judge/magistrates will agree on 10 or slightly more for you to contest. Normally 1 way of facts been found against you is evidence to prove it , could be police reports but you had a NFA. another way believe it or not is the father in a find a fact hearing admits to some of the allegations hes done. also what is very important as its for them to decide if it has more likely to have happened than not so 51% basically is how you come across in cross examination, if you are smartly dressed,polite and very calm and respectful and child focused that will carry you a long way.

You could be for example accused of shouting and swearing in front of kids... you haven't done it but in family court you react angrily and get wound up they likely to rule against you.. remember the best way to be calm is to look at the paperwork and as long as u not done any of them is to tell yourself they are allegations that's all they are and don't let whats written wind you up. when you think things look bleak always another dad that's getting it 10 x worse. just talk loads about children at hearing and about co parenting hopefully you win the day cause if she loses find a fact things become harder for her in the future


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