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[Solved] Help please!

Active Member Registered

Hi everyone, got directed to this site via my friend who found it very helpful so hoping for the same thing.
Please bare with this long and weird situation. So skip back 10 years ago and long story short my sister was at uni, she got caught with a bag of drugs and i belive shipping some research chemical to her on site university campus, hence she was about to loose her place at uni and my parents money and possible go prison i decided il take the hit for her and said it all was mine ect ect in the end i got a very long community service, huge fine, 2 years suspended sentence and thats it. My sister evenly ended up getting her masters. Now 3 years after this i met someone, we had a child, relationship was very up and down and then it ended, when our child was aged 3 it was a joint decision to let me care and have our child full time with the child seeing the mother every other weekend, i also dont ask for a penny child maintenance, so i have had my child on my own since then (going on 4 years now) some ups and downs with her mother but nothing to bad thank god. So about 2 years ago i met someone, she was married with 2 children but separated from her husband, filling for divorce. Her husband was not happy to find out we was in a relationship if honest neither my childs mother, all the children are happy and good routine ect, then my daughters mother starts to verbaly abuse me to my partner telling her false statments about me about my past my record ect, of course this out alot of pressure on my relationship with my new partner having to defend myself to constant accusations coming from my previous partner , later on this information somehow got its was back to my partners ex husband and this heavy ramped up e having to defend myself agains all this not only to him but her also. Sadly he decided to go to court and file a C100 prohibited steps order, saying the kids are not allowed to live with me or have any contact with me under the grounds that i am not good for them and they are not safe in my company. This has caused my partner to move out to a small flat for the time being in order for her to keep her children. I have had visits from the police to my home, spoken to social services and allowed CAFCAS to check my criminal record that im completely open and honest about. I pose no danger to the children what so ever and have had their best interests at heart for a long time. We had a date today for court and the judge count make a decision and referred it back to CAFCAS for under a Section 7?

So if you managed to read this far then i thank you and salute you for baring with me, but the question i have to ask is will this be a issue, as no one has asked me a thing really, i wasnt allowed in the court room with my partner or ex husband. iv been honest about the past and im open to be spoken to. Also we have been a family now for over 2 years and was borderline discussing adding a child into the mix but if this dont go right at court and im not allowed to see her children its going to be the end of us.

I really cant have my life ruined over a silly statement about the kids smelling of cannabis thats total lies and a 10 year old record for drugs that iv been openly honest about can i ?

Topic starter Posted : 04/03/2020 11:30 pm
Illustrious Member


ok so cafcass are going to do a section 7 report right? they will interview you at your home or at their office. they will investigate all the allegations. its good to be open and honest. hopefully their report will clear you and PSO gets dropped.

Posted : 05/03/2020 12:46 am
Active Member Registered

so baiscly even though this criminal mater was close to 10 years ago and all is closed in that matter, and these comments about cannabis smell (i dont even smoke) are all false, there is still a chance all this make belive will destroy my current relationship and get her ex husband what he wants ?

Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2020 12:19 pm
Illustrious Member

if you get a level headed cafcass officer, you should be alright. they will check your police records, as well as anything going on with local social services. maybe he/she will recomend a drug test at worse. if they see that your no harm to the kids, then you will be fine.

Posted : 06/03/2020 1:06 am
Active Member Registered

Ah that is so settling honestly. Im more than open to speaking to them as no one spoke to me at all when we went to court. If i can at least explain that would help so much. so i take it with a section 7 they will def speak with myslf is that correct?

Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2020 1:56 am
Illustrious Member


yes in s7 process you will have face to face interview with cafcass. most likely at their office. you need to make sure you tell her that the child is in your care full time and you want it to stay that way. and tell her all these latest problems have arisen because you moved on and found a new partner. you have to keep it focused on the kids and try your best to avoid bashing the mother and her partner.

Posted : 06/03/2020 2:17 am
Prominent Member Registered

So am I understanding right that your ex isn't taking you to court about your kids , but your partners husband is to try and get her kids into full time care with himself.?

Your past would be classed as historic , school reports can be asked for which will show that you are a good dad and they may speak to children.

Posted : 06/03/2020 12:09 pm
Active Member Registered

Thanks for the reply. Yes exactly that. Its not my ex thats taking me to court its just her putting her boot in and stiring the pot.

My partners Ex husband is taking us to court and has filed a C100 saying kids are in danger with me ect..

The court have now put it back to cafcas under a section 7 and thats all we know at this point.

Im more than open to speak to them they can speak to the school come to my home unannounced whatever hoop we need to go through we will.

I just dont want to be effected by her ex husband lies and something that happened years ago thats already been resolved in court.

Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2020 1:44 pm

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