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My Ex-wife and I had agreed an amount that I would contribute to the raising of my children, and I have maintained this agreement without fail. We split 9 years ago, and I didn’t want the CSA involved, and so I spoke with my ex, and we agreed that I would pay £80 per week, each and every week. £40 for each child through a standing order.
Despite my only working part-time for a couple of years, and not even having enough to feed myself, I maintained the agreed amount, even going into debt to do so, but later secured full-time employment which made it much easier.
In 2006 I was standing on the side of the road and was hit by an articulated lorry that left the road and struck me. Since then, I have been unable to work due to physical injuries, and have been on Employment and Support Allowance ever since. Regardless, I had received compensation for my injuries, and have been able to continue our agreement without fail and without even a 1 week break, despite only receiving £90 in benefits. And agreement is an agreement, and I love my daughters dearly.
My oldest child started work a few years ago, and so it was agreed that I would stop contributing to her support at that time. My youngest that is now 17 and will be 18 in March 2013, is not in work, sleeps all day and is a typical teenager these days
I hear that the government is now adding another 2 years to pay maintenance, and all these new rules with regard to further education and the like. And I see my daughter’s mother trying to get my youngest to go to college for a further 2 years. I feel she may be aware of these new rules and will be planning on breaking our agreement and going to the CSA after my daughters 18th Birthday when our agreement ends.
Where do I stand with this, am I wrong for not wanting to continue to contribute in that way after our agreement date? Besides our agreement, I also give my youngest pocket money, and help with other things too.
If my daughter DOES go to college, I will be giving my daughter some money each week to help her, but the agreement with her mum will end. I am not a dead beat dad as you can see, I have maintained our agreement regardless, and now feel I will be beaten up by the CSA if she reneges on it.
Sorry for the long post you lot, but just need some real advice here. :unsure: