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[Solved] Please could really do with some help on csa!

Posts: 2
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Joined: 12 years ago

hi im new to the forum and could really do with some help! me and my partner have been together for 6 months, he is just starting to go though a divorce and mine should be finalished in a month, well my question is his has 4 children with his ex and she is going for the house which he says she can have as he just want nothing more to do with her due to the voilence she handed out.. but she is so vindictive( as been proven in the past) she will no dought go to csa for maintaines. we really need to know how much he will pay for 4 children, he lives with me and i have two children(which live with me) our joint money is not alot i was on dla but they have changed it to income based support allowence and he is self employed earning £100 a week, i know he will have to pay the basic of £5.00 per child per week but how much more will they take??( did look on the csa web site but im that thick cant make head or tail of it) he is worrying like mad as i am as i have my own children to think of any advice would be fantastic thanks in advance!

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Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi There,

Firstly I'd say stop worrying quite so much, I know this is easier said than done :whistle:

The CSA will only take % of your partners take hone pay, search CSA calculator in Google and you can work out what he will pay, there will be a reduction for your 2 children that live with you, plus a reduction if his children stay with you for more than 52 nights per year.

The calculator will ask you how many children you are paying for, how many live at your address and earnings, have some sort of wage ready as it will help you work out weekly earnings, by calculating tax/national insurance ect.


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


If he is on £100 per week as takehome, then he will pay £5 per week flat rate and that's it. If he is taking home between £100 and £200 per week, then on top of the £5, then for everything over £100, he will pay 35% of this (assuming he is supporting you and your two children, which if you are living together, is a reasonable assumption) up to the point where his takehome pay is £200, at which point he will then pay the basic rate of 25% of 80% of his takehome pay in other words, if he earns over £200 per week, he will pay 20% of his takehome pay.

I can see why it can become confusing - ultimately, from what you have said, at £100 per week takehome, he will pay £5 per week.

Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

ok thanks for your help!! well confusing all this to me! as im not bothering to try and get maintance from my ex or anything else from him as long as he takes care of his children, but need to ask even tho my partners wages are low and we get help to life on the bread line can the csa take into account the money i get as well or just my partners money??

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


Your wages aren't taken into account - it's just his. However, if you are receiving tax credits, then those are counted.


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