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[Solved] payments

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I'm new to this and hope I may be able to get some answers or some guide to where to go !!! I will give a quick run down on my situation I was young and tricked into having a baby by an ex and her mum I told her from day one I did not want a baby but it also turned out she did not want me to be apart of his life once he came along all she and her mum wanted was a baby and via CSA I lost my home a few years ago I picked myself up but they now hammer me on payments each month to a bill of £400 and iv been paying for my son since day one and my son turns 16 in 2 months iv not seen or had any contact with him or his mother now for 14 years it sounds like I am a bad farther but me trying to see him never ended well because of my ex and her family made it so hard for me to see him and got me sacked from a well paid job as my ex farther was a manager in the company I worked for ect ect I could go into a full blown story but wanted to keep this brief other dads would be shocked if I told everything that has happened over the years !!!
My question is how do I find out if my son has gone into a apprenticeship and am I lead to believe if he is I dont have to pay his mother anymore iv asked CSA how I go about finding this infomation out and they are about as helpful as a chocolate tea pot so any help on this matter please as I really dont know where I can turn to .

Topic starter Posted : 28/02/2020 6:15 pm
Illustrious Member

I'm afraid that unless you can get any firm evidence from the college he was at, it's difficult to prove that he's left. In addition, even if he is in an apprenticeship, if he's 16, then it's quite possible that it will be an approved apprenticeship, where child benefit,

Posted : 28/02/2020 6:44 pm

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