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[Solved] payment to csa

New Member Registered

Hi everyone, I recently received a letter to inform me that I will have to pay £140 a week in mantaince for my daughter this consist of 60 payment and 78 arrears after working out my finances I would be left with 30 a week and cannot afford this is there anything I can do please help

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2015 2:59 am
Illustrious Member

You can speak to them to see if you can pay the arrears off over a longer period, but they are under no obligation to allow you to do so, and you'd have to offer to pay a significant amount each week. They are allowed to take a maximum of 40% of your takehome pay for maintenance and arrears combined. What is the reason you got into arrears in the first place? If it's their fault, then you may have a better chance of asking for longer to pay.

Posted : 19/02/2015 12:30 am

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