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[Solved] Paying parent living in the UAE?

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Noble Member Registered

Hi Johnny_95,

Explained the situation to the DWP and this is the advice they have come back with:

The CSA case would have to be closed when the dad moves out of the country. From the background information given, the dad would indeed fall outside of the jurisdiction to be assessed under one of the statutory schemes: he will be living abroad; working aboard but not in one of the specific jobs where we could continue to have jurisdiction (e.g. armed forces), and; at that point, also have no earnings declarable to HMRC.

I have included a link to some helpful information that is published on about child maintenance if one parent lives abroad:

This in mind, the dad could set up a family-based arrangement with the child’s other parent and there is also some guidance within the above pages that explains how to set one up and make them legally binding if necessary.

Alternatively the dad could set up a standing order and flags it as ‘child maintenance’ to clarify what it is.

I think a private arrangement/ family- based arrangement/ standing order would be the best way forward with this situation if the child’s other parent agrees, as the CSA case will have to close when the dad moves abroad.

I hope that this of some help to you.



Posted : 24/02/2015 3:46 pm
johnny_95 and johnny_95 reacted
Active Member Registered

Big thank you goonerplum

Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2015 12:11 am
New Member Registered

@Goonerplum Hi Gooner,


Looking for similar advice here. I have a csa payment plan already in place but now moving to the UAE very soon for work.


My payment already come out my bank automatically. With moving abroad and being non UK resident (Also working a private job) will the csa stop my agreement because I'm now out the country?

Posted : 27/08/2024 2:49 pm
Illustrious Member
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