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Not allowed travel ...
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[Solved] Not allowed travel expenses???

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Hi all my fellow dads,
I am due to be re assesed i imagine by my ex but before i commit i wanted to know what i am entitled to also.
I rang the CSA and asked about travel expenses because i travel over 600 miles picking my son up and taking him back every fortnight and have done so for the past 6 years.I read the booklet and it said this was classed as a "variation" to be considered.When i rang and asked about this the lady at the CSA said i woyuld not be entitled to this as my case started pre 2012??.How can this be fair and they only take into consideration new cases that started over the last 12 months??..i do not believe this to be honest..can anyone help please 🙁

13 Replies
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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

You are right not to believe it, if you check out the sticky at the top of this section titled "how does the CSA calculate payments" you will find two posts there, each with a link, ignore the first one as its an older leaflet, follow the second link and it will open o a current CSA leaflet that explains child maintenance in more detail...I think the info you're after is on page 34.

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Posts: 5

Thank you Nanny Jane for the reply.So would i be right in saying that the new leaflet dated 2012 should now be the law of thumb going forward for myself and others who travel and should get financial relief since this was printed? my CSA started in 2004 and the lady said that i came under the umbrella of the 2003 rules.Surely if new rules are introduced then 1. i should have been notified of this and 2.when i get assessed soon this ruling will be taken into account?
Many Thanks

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

She is wrong! If your CSA payments started in 2004 then you are under the current system, which is being phased out ready for the new system in 2014. Pre 2003 is referred to as CSA1, from 2003 to present is CSA2.

There are links to two leaflets in the sticky I mentioned, the first is relevant to you as your claim is post 2003. The second link is for new claims I think. All CSA1 claims weren't moved to the new system when it changed in 2003 and were governed by the pre 2003 criteria, and that still stands for those claims, but all claims made after 2003 are governed by the rules and calculations that are indicated in the leaflet in the first link. I hope tha makes sense!

Here's a link that explains

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Perhaps I should rephrase ...she is right that you come under the 2003 rules but those rules state that you are entitled to travelling expenses deductions! Get the leaflet number and next time you communicate with them quote the leaflet, as the rules and calculations in that leaflet are still in place for all claims made between 2003 - 2012...

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I would consider getting your MP involved sooner rather than later. Bear in mind, that you are expected to pay the first £15 per week (ie £30 for each of your fortnightly trips) and anything above this you can deduct from your takehome pay used in the calculations of your maintenance.

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Posts: 5

Thanks both for this.Im sure i have asked for this on a previous conversation a few years back and refused the expenses.Could you please tell me why i could be refused the help?.My circumastances are driving to my partners house that is 150 x 2 miles away so it costs me in the region of £50 per trip plus i use the severn bridge which at the moment stands at £6.20.
As you say actd i think a trip to see my MP maybe in my best interest.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I'm not sure how they calculate costs when you are driving, but I would think that fuel cost plus severn bridge cost would be easy to prove.

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with regards to the fact of all csa1 claims were moved to the new system this isnt true i have tried for the last 5 years to get on the new system only to be told by csa staff i need to go get myself another child basically. i have been through local MP's and all i ever hear is until we no the new system is working properly, how long do they need ?
can someone advise if they have had any success of moving onto the new system without getting someone else pregnant to do it.
i have been paying since 1998

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Illustrious Member
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All CSA1 and CSA2 claims are meant to be phased over to the new system but it will be gradual....I seem to remember that it will take until 2017.

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Posts: 329

There is no way of being moved unless you have another child and the mother puts a claim in for CSA

CSA1 nil assessments are first to be moved over to the CMS system, legislation hasn't even been passed yet for the charges, so no one can be moved until that's passed, then you will be given 6 months notice your case is about to be closed, then you can apply to the new system

There's going to be a lot of people worse off and some better off

2017 is correct Mojo but I'm not holding my breath

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

2017 seems like a bit of a cop-out by the government - I would have thought there won't be any CSA1 cases left by then, or certainly not many.

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Posts: 329

I'm on CSA1 and mine ends 2019 if the youngest stays in education until they are 20

They say there is 1 million cases on CSA1 & CSA2 and 160,000 of those are CSA1

I can't even see them transferring those by 2017

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

More than I thought - I agree that I can't see them being transferred unfortunately, they are short on manpower now just trying to cope with cases as they are, not a chance they are suddenly going to be able to cope with the extra workload of transferring cases.


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