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[Solved] New to this and need some help please

New Member Registered

Hi All

I've been separated from my ex partner (not married) since 2000, and over the last 15 years have had a private arrangement to pay child maintenance for my 2 children over this period. Over the last few years my ex has threatened me on numerous occasions that she will go to the CSA to cause more problems for me as I'm in a commission based job. Despite me paying every month for the last 15 years, I get the threat of the CSA then she decides to withdraw and revert to our private agreement.

My question is...

I'm in a sales role so my commission can vary over a 12 month period, what does the CSA use to calculate this type of role in terms of maintenance.

What do they take into account i.e. car allowance?

I'm caught in two minds to call her bluff!

Other complications are that my son now lives with me, so in theory she should be paying me maintenance - I've just received my first payment from her, however I don't know if this is the correct amount she should be paying. I also have 2 children that live with me and my wife.

I'm just scared on how the CSA will calculate things....

Any help appreciated


Topic starter Posted : 28/02/2015 1:15 am
Illustrious Member Registered

Hi there

Here's a link to a fact sheet about how the CMS, formerly the CSA, work out child maintenance.

It might be a good idea to call Child Maintenance Options and ask them for advice. Here's a link to their website

Best of luck

Posted : 28/02/2015 3:24 pm
(@Child Maintenance Consultant)
Noble Member Registered

Hello Thedon75

With you having a family-based arrangement in place with the other parent you may wish to discuss and negotiate your maintenance payments. Family-based arrangements are not legally enforceable and there are no strict rules or formulas to stick to when calculating child maintenance. Therefore, parents can decide the terms of their agreement to suit their current circumstances.

The Child Maintenance Options website has a useful tools and guides section that you and the other parent may find helpful when trying to negotiate your family-based arrangement. This can be found at

If you feel you cannot come to an agreement regarding your maintenance payments, you may wish to follow the guidelines of the Child Maintenance Service. The Child Maintenance Service uses the amount of gross income given to HMRC by a paying parent, their employer or their accountant to work out the average amount of earnings, or, where the paying parent is self-employed, their taxable profits. For every case, the gross income figure will be reviewed each year in order to take account of newer income information given to HMRC. For further information on how the Child Maintenance Service calculates child maintenance, you can use the first link provided by Mojo.

For more information on the different ways to set up child maintenance and for a more personalised service, you can visit the Child Maintenance Options website.

The DWP have a sorting out separation web-app that you may find useful. It offers help and support to separating and separated families. The link is:



Posted : 03/03/2015 6:35 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Thanks for your reply I will check these links out just now thanks again.

Posted : 11/03/2015 12:29 am

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