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Need help with when to stop/ transfer child payments

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Hi all, hoping someone can help me navigate when to stop paying my child's mother directly and start paying my adult daughter.




Daughter started university in September 22 and my understanding is that they are classed as an adult and not eligible for payments due to the type of education.


CSA have the same opinion that she is now an adult, however, the course that my daughter is doing is a foundation diploma for 1 year. 

CSA have been really helpful seeing as though we don't use them and said that if my daughter went to a college to do the foundation, I would still have to pay(her mother) but as its at University, I don't have to.


Just hoping to clear it up as her mother is digging her heels in and I just want to be able to provide support to my daughter directly.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!












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yes according to CMS, child maintenance stops when child leaves full-time (non-advanced education). so it stops if they started University course.


advanced education

A person is receiving advanced education if they are studying a course for the purposes of:

  • preparation for a degree
  • a diploma of higher education
  • a higher national diploma
  • a higher national certificate of Edexcel
  • a teaching qualification
  • any other course which is a standard above what is considered by the Child Tax Credit Regulations to be ‘non-advanced-


Non-advanced education includes:

  • ‘A’ levels, or similar qualifications (eg. the International Baccalaureate and Pre-U)
  • T levels (introduced in September 2020)
  • Scottish national qualifications at higher or advanced higher level
  • NVQ at Level 3
  • study programme in England
  • national diploma
  • ordinary national diploma
  • national certificate of edexcel

If the young person is studying for a course that is not classed as advanced education, the education is normally treated as non-advanced.

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Thanks for the explanation. Really appreciate it.

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@hallpass as @bill337 suggests you stop paying child maintenance once your child starts fulltime work or moves onto University. If the child continues at college level education or below then you will continue to pay child maintenance until the child reaches 20 years of age.

I know this because I've recently been through it when in eldest son reached 18 and started fulltime work.

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Hi all, 

Reading a few messages to find any information to help myself and this seemed closest.

looking for any advice, knowledge or suggestions.

I have two daughters turning 20yrs old this year. 
One started University Sept 24 and I believe the other may start this Sept 25.

I currently pay the Mum directly on a private agreement based on the CMS calculation.

I’m aware when the girls turn 20 child maintenance comes to an end. However, my question is Scheduled 1 Children act 1989.
Has anyone had to deal with this at all? How does the payment work? Is the payment as much as Child maintenance? 
Why does the court take into consideration? 

The mum and I are amicable enough as we were never really together.
She is married having other children with  her husband and I’m married with other children with my wife.

But I feel this is possibly something I need to consider and be prepared for.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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