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[Solved] More money wanted !

Posts: 14
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Eminent Member
Joined: 13 years ago

Looking for some advice please 🙁

I pay my ex £250 a month and have done since we parted 3 years ago, an agreement between us which is paid on the 1st of every month by bank transfer to her account. I have my little girl more than 52 nights a year and as bad as it is I have kept a record of every overnight stay as proof. My ex is now after more money ( she is buying a bigger house) and said if I don't up my payments she will go to the CSA which after looking on their calculator I am in fact paying too much and have pointed this out to her and stated I don't mind paying more as I don't want my daughter missing out on anything . Her reply was well I will get back payments as I will tell the CSA you have not been paying and you don't have her overnight.

I know I have been paying and she stays with me. She has been with me for the half term but I am worried if my ex does go to the CSA they won't take my record as proof of overnight stays and will they back date payments even though I can prove I have been paying?

Please help !

3 Replies
3 Replies
Joined: 15 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1855

Hi lfc75,

I will ask Child Maintenance Options to pop by and give you some advice on this one. Keep checking back for their answer.


(@Child Maintenance Consultant)
Joined: 13 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1075

Hi lfc75,

My name's Sarah from Child Maintenance Options. It's clear from your post that you've some concerns about your current arrangement.

It may help to know that even if your ex-partner opens a CSA case, the earliest date that the CSA can calculate your payments from is the day they notify you about the application (verbally or in writing). The CSA can't "back-date" payments from before this date.

If your ex-partner does contact the CSA it is useful to have the record you've kept for overnight stays as to provide evidence to them.

I hope you find this information useful.


Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I would seriously consider going to the CSA yourself (or telling your ex that you intend to do so), rather than wait for your ex to do this. Additionally, if it doesn't already say so as a reference on you bank transfer, I would amend this to say "child maintenance" - that way it is clear what this money is for. If the CSA calculation results in your payment being reduced, you can come to a family based arrangement for what you are currently paying on the understanding that she doesn't reduce contact.


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